Become a part of the Resin Obsession team

Become a part of the Resin Obsession resinista teamCalling all resinistas!  I want you to be a part of Resin Obsession!

I am looking for a few fabulous creative people who love crafting with resin.  If this sounds like you, here is an opportunity to showcase your skills, receive resin products and be compensated for your efforts.  Applicants should know they are committing to tutorials that will appear on the Resin Obsession blog and promoted on Resin Obsession social media accounts.  Tutorials can be in either written or video format.  Interested applicants should be ready to commit to at least three projects completed on a mutually agreeable timeline commitment.

Sounds like this is for you?  Drop an email to info [at] resinobsession [dot] com with the following information:

Mailing address
Email address

A paragraph about yourself

Blog and/or website address
Social media account handles on platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Please include answers to these questions in your email:

  • What is your experience with resin?
  • Do you currently write/publish tutorials using resin?  If so, please link to (up to) three projects you have done.
  • Have you done tutorials or projects for other websites?  If so, please include links.
  • Why do you want to create tutorials for Resin Obsession?
  • What general ideas do you have for a blog post?  i.e. kawaii resin projects, how to resin a table, resin painting techniques, etc.

I will review submissions with my team and get in touch with crafters and artists that appear to be a good fit.

Good luck!



Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2020 Resin Obsession, LLC

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21 thoughts on “Become a part of the Resin Obsession team

    1. Not at this time. We will be happy to keep your application on file and should something change, we will be in touch.

  1. Hey Katherine – Are you still accepting potential applications for some video blogging, etc and to display our passion with you and your other fellow obsessive resonators?

  2. Hi I wanted to see if are you still looking for new resin artist i think I would be a wonderful fit for your team. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

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