Hi Anastacia,
What a nice thought for a gift! Have you seen this tutorial? https://www.resinobsession.com/resin-tutorials/how-to-make-a-bottle-cap-resin-coaster It uses the Resin Obsession super clear resin. It’s a good choice here because that resin is designed for molds. It mixes in a thin viscosity, so if you are careful in mixing, bubbles are almost never a problem. https://shop.resinobsession.com/collections/resin/products/resin-obsession-super-clear-resin-6-oz-kit-jewelry-quality-resin
Pot time refers to the amount of time you have to work with the resin before it starts to cure. In this case, the super clear resin has an approximate 25 minute pot time. That means, from the time you start mixing it, you have 25 minutes to use it. After that, it starts to cure, whether you are ready or not! 😉
As for a work area, my basic suggestions are to cover the area with wax paper or freezer paper as resin spills can easily be wiped/cleaned up or you can throw the paper away. Also pick an area where your resin castings can stay undisturbed for the entire curing time. You don’t want to have to move your resin projects while liquid as that is tempting fate…..
Good luck!