Casting resin in a small, detailed mold

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    • #13660
      Alexa Wilde

      Hello! This is my first time posting and my first time working with resin. I’ve been working on a project for several weeks now involving animal bones that I’ll be using for jewelry. I’ve used Mold Max 14NV to create my mold and I’m using Alumilite Amazing Casting Resin in white for the bones themselves. The issue I’m running into is that the bones that I’m casting (small vertebrae, in this case) are very small and detailed and I’m having difficulty getting the resin to fill in these holes in the mold all the way. Should I be heating the mold beforehand? Any other troubleshooting tips you could recommend? TIA!

    • #13665
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Alexa,

      Do you think the problem is that the resin is starting to cure before it has had a chance to fully fill the mold?

      • #13667
        Alexa Wilde

        Hey Katherine! I don’t think so – I think the issue is that several of the pieces of the bone are so thin and small that the resin can’t quite fill the hole. I’m wondering if heating the mold + warming the resin before mixing could work…

        • #13669
          Katherine Swift

          If you were using epoxy – I would say yes. Unfortunately, the Alumilite Amazing casting resin cures so quickly that heating the mold will work against you.

          Perhaps try dusting the mold with a very dry baby powder to see if that helps to ‘guide’ the resin along.

    • #13755
      Clinton Gallagher

      I’ve seen a YT video that suggested massaging (squeezing) a silicone mold which will cause some of the resin to be squeezed out but wiping with mold with a baby wipe or paper towel and a quick refill should help if that occurs.

    • #13780
      Karen Harvey

      I’m not sure on what the cure time is on your resin, but I’m able to use a syringe sometimes for my castings , almost like injection molding, to get into small areas. As long as you have air vents to let the resin flow all the way through, the force of the injection will help get it all the way into those little areas.

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