Casting resin in a tall cylinder

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    • #110332

      I’m casting resin in a tall clear plastic cylinder that’s about 9” tall and 4” diameter. This container originally came full of glass beads. Pretty thin plastic. I want to cast it clear with minimal visible layers. I know I shouldn’t probably cast it all at once. Is there a method that will minimize the lines between layers? Timing? I’m using casting resin ( ccr ) with a very long set time. Usually over 24hrs.
      Hope all is well,

    • #110376

      I see that you sell deep pour resin. I’ll order some of that. Hoping I can get away with a pour deeper than 2 inches. I shoukd probably play it safe:)

    • #110408
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Eric,

      Our deep pour casting resin is meant to be poured in layers of no more than two inches to control heat production and cracking.

      The resin is in two sizes in our store here:

      BUT, you can try breaking that rule if you control the heat. This article gives you some things to try:

    • #110479

      Thank you:),
      If I wait until the first layer is the consistency of molasses, but still self levels when disturbed, has much of the heat dispersed so I can pour the next layer? This is usually about 6-8 hrs later. I’ll be pouring the second layer with the same remaining resin batch that has been sitting as well.
      Thanks so much for your advice. I always appreciate it:).

    • #110539
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Eric,

      If you’re using the deep pour resin, the heat is still building at the molasses stage. You need to wait until it reaches the gel phase. This article explains how to know when that is:

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