Why Is My Resin Cloudy? 5 Reasons for Frosted Resin

why is my resin cloudySo you’re asking yourself, ‘Why is my resin cloudy?’ And just as important — is it something you can fix?

This has nothing to do with water vapor and ice crystals. But there are four other reasons why your resin is cloudy.

Reason 1: Cloudy mold surface

If the mold you used to cast your resin has a cloudy surface, that same cloudy and frosty surface will impart onto your resin surface.

If you poured resin onto sandpaper, then demolded it later (which you wouldn’t be able to because resin makes a really great glue), the resin would have that sandpaper surface.

The same thing happens when you use resin molds. If you want a shiny finish on your resin, you must use a mold with a shiny finish.

This video explains more:

💡 Pro tip: Just because a mold doesn’t give you a shiny surface doesn’t mean you can’t use it anymore. Simply know that you’ll need to do some post-curing finishing to get your resin surface shiny.

Reason 2: Cold resin

When resin gets cold, some of the components can crystallize. These crystals can show up as gray or white streaks in your resin.

Warm your resin kit bottles to dissolve the crystals before using them next time.

💡 Pro tip: Store your resin in a temperature-stable environment. The bottom of a dark closet works excellently for this.

Reason 3: Water contamination

Adding water to your epoxy resin will cause streaks. Not that you should ever add water to epoxy, but moisture from things you include in the resin can be the cause of this. All items should be properly sealed and dried before adding to resin.

Plus, you should never store your resin in a freezer or cold space. When the bottles warm, condensation forms under the lid that will drip into your resin.

💡 Pro tip: Glue that is damp will leave white streaks. Give it hours to days to thoroughly dry before putting it in your resin.

mixing resin

Reason 4: You mixed resin and hardener together incompletely

Your liquids will show streaks when you’re first mixing your resin. But these streaks disappear once your resin is mixed.


💡 Pro tip: Be sure you scrape the resin off the side of your cup and mixing stick too. You don’t want cloudy and sticky resin when you’re done.

Reason 5: You’ve got amine blush.

I’ve saved this one for last because this is the least likely of the reasons for cloudy resin. But, if you’re 110% sure the first reasons aren’t at play, then this could be the culprit.

This article explains what amine blush is and how to fix it.

Now that you know the answer to why is my resin cloudy, here’s how to fix cloudy resin.

Frustrated with making resin mistakes?

Get a copy of my ebook, Resin Fundamentals.  It’s the book I wish I had when I began creating with resin.  This instantly downloadable PDF book gets you to expert resin status in only a couple of hours, even if you’ve never worked with resin before.


Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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27 thoughts on “Why Is My Resin Cloudy? 5 Reasons for Frosted Resin

  1. I had that happen to me. It was a bad batch of gallon resin from the factory. I went back and returned it for a different expiration date sticker and the resin was fine. I dont think that it was due to temperature. Hawaii is pretty warm year round. Lol.

  2. I recently made pendants with sea sand and shells and all of them had varying degrees of cloudiness. I am convinced it is the salt – perhaps one should soak them in fresh water first? Any thoughts on this please?

    1. Hi Janet, it sounds like maybe they weren’t all the way clean first (from salt or otherwise). Washing them in freshwater first should help.

  3. I’ve made a silicone mold of a golf ball. In using clear resin with 7 minute work time, the first pour came out perfect. Later that day I poured a second on that came out frosty. I’m using a gram scale and measuring a 2 oz pour. After making a second mold, again the first was good and second frosty.

  4. No. Tried washing and completely dry and get the same. I can show you a photo of the good and bad, but how do I get that to you?

    1. Hi Jim, I think this situation is best suited for a one-on-one consulting call where you and I talk back and forth about what’s going on. A 15-minute consultation call is $20. I do them by video so I can have a chance to see what you are working on.

      If you are interested, please send a message through the ‘contact us’ page and I can get this going for you. Sincerely, Katherine @ Resin Obsession

  5. What should i do to achieve the “frosty” look. I had it happen once and i loved the effect. It wasn’t the mold and the rest of that resin was perfect.

  6. I accidentally spilled some isopropyl alcohol on my resined painting and it is very sticky? How do I remove the stickiness or do I pour a second coat of resin over it! I thank you in anticipation, Sincerely, Annchen Bodenstab

      1. Hi, I have put jewellery in resin, but it is still a bit cloudy. Do you have any suggestions. Thank you

  7. Are used a mat mold and now my Resin is cloudy looking can I send the first layer off and do a topcoat and bring it back clear

  8. Hi! I had a jewelry piece that I sanded and polished using plastx (car polish). My piece was clear before sanding but now it has an opaque look that I can’t get out. I’m wondering if I should use a different polish, if what’s wrong. I used 220 all the way up to 2000 grit sandpaper.

  9. I am using resin on my glass on wood projects. The wood is old wood rescued from an old porch. Problem : Thirsty wood. Resin almost disappears in areas. Tried pre treating wood, decoupage, acrylic paint, spray varnish.. nothing seems to work and I end up repouring again $$.. any suggestions?

  10. I was filling some silver pendants molds with open back so I placed them on parchment paper and today when I checked them the resin cured cloudy is it because of the parchment? I also
    Poured a small amount into the bottom of a large bookend and that stayed clear so I’m thinking it was the surface I laid these pendants a on

  11. Is there any way to fix already cured resin that dried white? It’s about 2 inches thick in a desk I’m building and basically ruined the piece. Please help…

  12. I have a fairly large window piece measuring 15 x 20 that turned cloudy/frosty looking in spots and other spots were still clear. It happened twice now. I’ve used this resin before with no problems. This time I ordered a half gallon instead of smaller quantity, is there anyway to fix this and what can I do to prevent it from happening again? Should I just continue using this Resin altogether?

    If I were to flood the back with a tint, will it still show through or would it cover it up?

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