Chrome or Bright Silver on reverse of clear epoxy resin .

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      I’m trying to cast MGB horn buttons, and they have logos which are done in bright silver, applied to the reverse of the clear plastic that they are made of. I find that all bright silver paints are made to gloss over on the exposed surface, but leave a dull grey on the surface that is not exposed to air. I’m hoping there is a way to apply bright silver to cured epoxy so that it can be seen through the clear. I know silver nitrate can be used for this, but it requires heating and I am not sure that’s going to work with epoxy in the same way that it does for glass. I’ve tried putting bright silver on the mold that I use for the casting, but it reacts with the resin and goes black.

      Any of you have experience with silvering the back of an epoxy cast?

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