Combining Resins

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  • Author
    • #84757
      Sarah Ragan

      I have been using Resin Obsession Super Clear in coaster molds. I am having issues with being able to sand and polish the work back to a shiny level so instead have opted to do another resin pour instead. However, the coasters are as thick as the molds so I do not think I would be able to do another layer without making a huge mess. Would it be possible to use a Resin Obsession doming resin instead so that it does not flow over the edges? I know typically it is not recommended to use different kinds of resin together but I figured with them being the same brand that it just might work. Thoughts?

    • #84766
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Sarah,

      As long as the previous resin is fully cured, I’ve never had a problem with one kind/brand of resin sticking to another.

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