Creating a resin charm

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  • Author
    • #959
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email:

      I came across your website when looking for ideas on production for a project I am working on.  I want to create a clear oblong resin rectangle with a paper image (I know about sealing the paper prior) .  My question is first I would have to create a mold and then how would I get the paper centered in the mold? Would I pour half first and then let it set, place the paper on top and then pour he rest?  If I did that would it leave a line on the edge visible from the two different pourings?  I am looking at 5 1/2″ X 2 3/4″ (approx.) and I want to be able to drill a hole to put a jump ring through so I am allowing enough allowance.  I went to your You Tube site and watching the doming videos which were great but not what I need for this project.  I know if anyone has the answer it would be you.
      Thank you in advance for your time.

    • #960
      Katherine Swift


      You can make your own mold, but it would be easier to start with a ready made mold.  Something in our jewelry mold section might fit your needs: 

      Yes, you will want to do this in two pours.  You will see a line, especially if you’re pouring in two different colors, but if you’re using clear resin, the line should be barely noticeable.  (You will notice it, but the average person wont know it’s there.)

      This video on the resin obsession you tube channel shows you the techniques on how to make your own resin charms:

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