drinking glasses sticking to resin coasters

  • This topic has 48 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 week ago by Olpmeema.
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    • #9465 Reply
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes from Katie:

      I made resin coasters and glasses tend to stick to the coasters when condensation is high. They turned out great as far as being really clear to show the photos underneath. However- what can be done to prevent glasses from sticking- no one wants to use them at this point.

    • #9466 Reply
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Katie,

      Is the resin fully cured? When the coasters are dry and don’t have a glass on them, do they feel sticky? Are people only putting cold glasses on them or are they using them for hot drinks as well?

    • #9814 Reply

      Sorry for the delay in responding. The coasters are not sticky and are fully cured. It only appears to happen with cold glasses. The issue being when it has happens the coaster sticks to the glass then has dropped off or flown off when lifting up the glass. I love the look of them and would love to make more but no one likes the glasses sticking to the surface.

    • #9821 Reply
      Katherine Swift

      HI Katie,

      Since the resin is fully cured, it sounds like its a moisture condensation thing, not a resin thing. This discussion on Quora explains the physics of it:


    • #13140 Reply

      Hi all,

      I know this is a while after this thread was started, but I am having the same issues with my epoxy resin coasters. Plastic cups, beer bottles, and mugs do not stick but when I put a glass cup (cold or room temperature) on the coaster it will stick after 30 seconds of resting on the coaster. Did you happen to find a solution? I would hate to attempt to re-pour another layer of epoxy resin to have the same result.

      • #13651 Reply

        Has anyone found a solution to sweating glasses sticking to the resin coasters?

        They turn out beautifully, but don’t seem to function well as a coaster.


        • #14656 Reply

          I too have this problem. I even let my coasters cure for 24 hours. I can make beautiful coasters, yet cold drinks set on them only leak onto the surface they are set on, and then nobody wants to use them.

    • #14657 Reply

      I do not have a problem with glasses sticking to the surface, just that beverage “sweat” leaks on to the table top, rendering the coaster useless.
      Thank you,

    • #15593 Reply
      Laura Holte

      Does anyone have a solution for this? I’ve thought about using Castin Craft Resin Spray, Multi-Purpose Clear Gloss Finish / Sealer. I wonder if that would solve this problem. Any other recommendations out there?

    • #32257 Reply

      i have had this problem in the past, myself. this morning, i made a beautiful table top out of resin, spray paint, and mica. it is gorgeous, but i am anticipating the same issue, when glasses.. or really, anything sits on it in 1 place, for too long. so this time, im going to try a different approach.. once it has cured for several days, (i also find the longer cure time, the better the results, because some resins, in my experience, are not actually ‘completely’, —>100%<— cured for up to 2 weeks), when i put some ‘legs’ on it, i am also going to give it a good rub with furniture oil, and see if this helps keep the items from sticking. i will share my results! 🙂
      its all an experiment, anyway, right?! 🙂

      • #32269 Reply
        Katherine Swift

        That’s interesting Terri! Yes, please let us know if that works.

      • #108338 Reply

        Terri, did the furniture oil work?

    • #34025 Reply
      Lorraine Hayes

      I want to make lots of coasters for keepsake gifts. Is Allumalite the best for coasters? The ladies are talking about cold drinks, but I’m concerned about hot beverages as well. I am a beginner and I really like this Resin Obsession.

      • #34132 Reply
        Katherine Swift

        Hi Lorraine,

        Are you using molds or using the resin to coat a surface? That will help me with a recommendation.

      • #34210 Reply
        Lorraine Hayes

        Hi Katherine. I will be using both. Thank you.

    • #45410 Reply
      Rebecca Monday

      I am having the same issue. I did tried using a acrylic sealant (Modge Podge sealant I believe) and it made it just as sticking after drying for a couple of hours. I am going to wait 24 hours and see if the sealant is still sticky.

    • #46101 Reply

      I to am having this problem with my coffee cup. I have tried a half doz resins at least. Very annoying indeed. If any body comes up with a solution please, please share it, or I’m going to do a really funky art work on my wall of all the coasters I made!

    • #47724 Reply

      I’m having the same problem. When I put hot cup on the coaster it stuck to it. Or, when I put something heavy on my resin tray it leaves mark on it.

    • #47754 Reply
      Rhonda J. Hunter

      I don’t have an answer for why sweaty glasses stick to coasters, but the people at Alumilite say NEVER, NEVER, put anything hot on a resin coaster!

    • #50748 Reply
      Clarence G. Hermansky

      I can only see one possible explanation. When condensation occurs on the outer surface and the water drips down to where the two surfaces contact one another, the water at this “interface” is relatively pure, which means that its surface tension is high. This high surface tension makes the disruption of the ring of water difficult, i.e. strong enough to hold the glass and coaster together as you pick up the glass.

      One way to weaken the interface would be to coat the coaster with a surfactant film that has a low surface tension in water, e.g. a fluoridated surfactant with low/slight solubility in water. If this simple fix doesn’t last very long, you might try mixing the fluro-surfactant with a binder or adhesive and coating the coaster with a very thin coating – let dry and test. A drop of water on an untreated coaster should bead up, whereas a drop on the treated coaster should wet and spread on the coaster – not bead up. Choice of binder/adhesive and Fluor-surfactant should be dilute (<1% in water or appropriate solvent), when applied to the coaster and selected to wet the coaster material. Once dry, you can test to see if your surfactant and binder/adhesive produce the desired affect.

    • #50754 Reply
      Clarence G. Hermansky

      See June 6th 2019 post.

      • #58487 Reply
        Debbie Aston


        I really want to tackle this problem. Glasses are sticking to my resin coasters, when the glass is lifted, so is the coaster. They fall to the ground and sometimes crack. I have three of these.

        However, I don’t understand your suggestion post. What is ‘surfactant film that has a low surface tension in water, e.g. a fluoridated surfactant with low/slight solubility in water.” Can you mention a specific product or products mixture?

    • #65273 Reply

      Here is a little video I found that may be able to help with this problem! I think the girl in this video uses a varnish or something like that:


    • #82271 Reply

      After one month curing i have faced same problem with my resined coasters using cup of cold water…
      No problem with mugs cold and hot neither with hot cup of coffee…

    • #82454 Reply
      Jan Stern

      1. Whenever I pick up a glass that immediately feels like it’s sticking to a coaster, I automatically keep my pinky on the coaster and lift the glass with my thumb and the three other fingers. No one taught me this; I must have figured this out decades ago. Nobody else does this?
      2. When I’m making my resin coasters, I keep a “lip” at the edge to prevent “sweat” water from spilling onto the table. After removing the coaster from the mold, I use 400 grit wet sandpaper to sand off the sharp edge that always remains by turning the coaster upside down onto the wet sandpaper and swirl it in circles, leaving a bit of it of lip. Water may still be on the bottom of the glass, but the table remains unscathed.

    • #82466 Reply
      Rhonda J Hunter

      Resin Obsession has two molds that reduce this problem – the mold with an “X” ridge in the center, and the Christian fish molds. The glass rests on the ridges and water goes into the little “wells”.

    • #82716 Reply

      I have the same problem. I created a tray with resin and glasses at normal temperature create sort of vacuum when we try to lift it. It is quite embarrassing. Has anyone been able to fix it in anyway? The resin is fully cured over months now. 🙁

    • #82720 Reply
      Dorianne Block

      I have tons of things to start making coasters,trivets and serving trays. I knew in advance that this would be a problem. So I’m going to try a couple things I hope will work. So when I put some decorative things like colored pearls or shells in the coasters I’ll push some down but towards the center but try to have some just slightly below the top so you can feel them and then the glasses would sit on a textured surface instead of a flat surface where glasses stick. I might have to let the resin sit for a while before I place the ones just slightly below the top. Another thing I want to try is again after the resin slightly cures I’ll sprinkle clear, white or a colored glitter or fine sand on the top. It would have a gritty feeling surface but still resin shiny and also hoping to keep the glass from sticking to the coaster. So what are your thought about this? Do you think it would work? Do you think they’ll still be pretty or fun looking? For the trivets I do need to use the resin that can take the heat from pots without leaving marks. Wish me luck!

    • #82822 Reply

      I am having the same problem. Anyone found a solution ?

    • #82989 Reply

      So I’m new to resin and super frustrated after reading all of this. I’ve just made a pile if coasters. Now I’m understanding that not only should be not use them for anything hot, but cold drinks are sticking to them? And there isn’t an answer for this?! Then why are we making coasters?!?! I had hoped to start selling mine and have gone through much expense, would love some advice. Thanks! ❤️

    • #84224 Reply

      Here is a video I found that should help!


    • #85572 Reply

      Hi everyone! I’m also resin obsessed but this issue of cups sticking to coasters (no tackiness at all on surface) is very disheartening when I’m trying to make a functional product/artwork! In saying that – I notice the BOTTOM of my coaster (the part that was not exposed to air) is perfect and has no issue with cups sitting and sticking to it but my artwork or feature is usually on the top. So – I work with a bunch of engineers (and a few work with resins of all types); but, because they use resin for purposes of manufacturing tankers – they were pretty amazed of the idea of resin coasters lol. To my amazement they could tell the top of the coaster was def less cured than the bottom despite how both seem super hard to me. Anyways, I am merely sharing this info with my fellow resin obsessed people (just in case you did not know).
      They advised the following:
      1. As many know, the temperature of the room in which your resins are left to cure plays a factor in the curing process, so for instance; my studio is in my garage which is super cold as it’s winter now in Aus and the colder the room – the more moisture/condensation in the air or on the coaster therefore disallowing the surface to FULLY cure. SUGGESTIONS: *Cover the whole project with a container. *Post cure your coasters or *Place a silicone lid on top to mirror the bottom (like sandwiching your resin) so the heat is in a confined space and should cure as the bottom would. In saying this – I haven’t tried this and as my engineer buddies said; would probably take some trial and testing.
      2. Post curing could help (the instructions regarding this is usually found in the data/spec sheet) – the supplier of the resin should have this info on their website etc. If not, call them to get it. (p.s I tried this according to my resin data sheet, and – I cracked my coasters so beware – the over exposure to heat). The idea of post curing is to release ALL moisture from the resin. (Another engineer said, UV exposure could work good too).
      3. You must ensure the resin you are using has a high tolerance to heat exposure – info usually found in the data sheet as well. This could also play a part in your resin not fully curing.

      FINALLY, the biggest suggestion I got which is working OK for me at the moment (a little more time consuming though) is to WORK BACKWARDS, so that the bottom of your coaster, will be the top (considering it fully cures). It’s more fiddly, but the end result – a functional coaster.

      SO – I hope this info helps. Check out my page – @serenitycanvascreations – I will be posting up some more info/vids and updates on this issue. P.S I am a super amateur resin user though.

      Happy resining. x

    • #85709 Reply

      I had the problem of hot mugs sticking to my epoxy coasters after 20 seconds. Cold glasses would stick too. I tried sealant sprays (I didnt want to go the matte route because that would make the surface look cloudy). Not sure if anyone’s tried this or had problems with it, but I Randomly decided to use some clear packaging tape in the center of the molds and then exacto-knife cut them to the corners so the tape is unnoticeable. It worked!! Just have to be patient and slowly lay the tape down to avoid bubbles. My mugs and glasses don’t stick to the coasters anymore. I used regular 1.88″ wide tape for my first trial but ended up with a line at which one tape ended and the other started because the tape wasn’t wide enough to cover the whole thing, so I found that Scotch makes a 4″ wide tape, so I bought some and just fitted the clear tape to the center of the mold (I have walls on my coasters). Haven’t had a problem since and the fix is only $11!

      • #90949 Reply

        Which sealant spray?

    • #93243 Reply

      Years of having gorgeous designer coasters that stuck to every glass due to condensation, simplest fix, a little blue tack under the coaster to secure it to the table.

    • #93244 Reply

      Years of having gorgeous designer coasters that stuck to every glass due to condensation, simplest fix, a little blue tack under the coaster to secure it to the table.

    • #93252 Reply

      Try spraying the coasters with food grade silicone. You don’t wipe it off and it should dry clear. I got Superzilla at Ace hardware to clean the inner parts of my meat grinder. Home Depot or Lowes or other large hardware stores should have a food grade silicone spray, similar to the one I described. It works on bbq grill grates, too. You would have to reapply after washing your sprayed items, but it is not expensive and a little goes a long way. Hope this helps.

    • #93295 Reply

      The first thing I do when going into a restaurant is to sprinkle some table salt on the drink napkin. Thereafter, the glass never sticks to the napkin. Learned this trick from a waitress in Colorado. When I make my 1st coaster, I’ll probably try to incorporate some small grainy-style additive to accomplish this no-stick trick.

    • #96994 Reply
      Angela Michelle Williams

      As your clothes stick to you when you sweat, the glasses will stick to the coaster when they sweat. Put rubber non-slip ‘feet’ on the bottom of the coaster, and slide not lift to break the ‘seal’.

    • #101576 Reply

      I find this thread very interesting. When I use a coaster with a glass that sweats, I admire the handmade and awesome coaster,😎 then fold up a napkin and place it under the glass on top of the coaster. I do that with no coaster and a glass table too. And why not with a hot cup too? My mom did that too …
      That said, I like the idea of adding salt or something granular on the side that would be the top. I’ll try that soon when I make my first coaster. And I will buy a special heat-resistant resin to final-pour at least half of the mold.

    • #104206 Reply
      Tammara Shy

      I have to be honest I stumbled across this thread when I googled what good are resin coasters. I mean the point of a coaster is to protect your furniture from heat or condensation from your beverage container. Resin is not heat friendly and it has zero absorption properties which makes it completely ineffective for the basic purpose of a coaster. That being said they are absolutely beautiful, so I just serve beverages with a cocktail napkin and a beautiful coaster.

    • #109017 Reply
      James carson-kerrigan

      I found weighting the bottom of the coasters helps..

      I used a couple of stone coasters from poundshop hope to achieve this and have had some amazing results.

      Prehaps Use a few 2p coins (in non see through design or in hidden place)

    • #119139 Reply

      I have this same problem with mine. I thought about getting some Krylon Crystal Clear spray paint and lightly spray over then to see if it helps. It will also create another sealant coat. Maybe this will help its worth a try.

    • #119231 Reply

      Hi, I’ve used rubber bumpers which seem to sunction to glass tables, keeping said coaster from “taking off” with the cup.
      For coasters that are going to be on other surfaces( read: all), leaving a tiny bit of texture at the top of your coaster, be it glitter, gems, shells, sand.. etc keeps the coasters where they should be.

    • #119232 Reply

      Hi, I’ve used rubber bumpers which seem to sunction to glass tables, keeping said coaster from “taking off” with the cup.
      For coasters that are going to be on other surfaces( read: all), leaving a tiny bit of texture at the top of your coaster, be it glitter, gems, shells, sand.. etc keeps the coasters where they should be.

    • #139394 Reply
      Angela Jones

      I have the same question?

    • #215555 Reply

      It sounds like your drinking glasses might be sticking to the resin coasters due to the resin’s sticky surface. Try using coasters with a non-stick coating or applying a clear sealant to the resin to reduce the stickiness. If the issue persists, you might want to check if the coasters are fully cured and consider using coasters made from a different material.

    • #217196 Reply
      Hannah Johns

      The only difference I have found with my coasters were that the ones I sanded the bottom didn’t stick to the glasses but the ones I didn’t sand stuck.
      I think it’s because the don’t slide as much on a table? But my other option is stray some gloss seal spray over the top to prevent sticking.

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