Dust everywhere

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  • Author
    • #16156
      Dymond K Spain

      For those who work on really big canvas in large rooms or countertops, how do you secure them from dust. I’m still having a hard time even on a small scale and maybe if i do what works on a larger scale for my small projects I’ll get some better results. I took all previous advice given and I’m starting to wonder is my house just not suitable.

    • #16162
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Dymond,

      I’m sorry to hear you are having problems. What are you doing and what have you tried?

      • #16163
        Dymond K Spain

        I have sprayed water on the floor, covered vents, i always cover the project when it’s curing, turning off the ac, even a tarp to hang over it while drying. Not sure what else to do!

        • #16167
          Katherine Swift

          What are you using to cover your art while it’s curing? Is it able to completely cover the it on all sides all the way to the table?

          • #16169
            Dymond K Spain

            I typically leave the sides open. That’s my downfall?

            • #16191
              Katherine Swift

              Probably. I like to use a large plastic container or box and cover the entire painting from all sides.

    • #82866
      Stephanie A Atkins

      Here is a thought what about a large sheet cake box lid just throwing ideas out there would that work

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