Earnings through broker affiliate programs

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    • #209182 Reply

      Hello, I recently learned about the possibility of earning money through affiliate programs of brokers. Could you please tell me if anyone has worked with affiliate programs of brokers? What are your impressions and is it worth investing in them?

    • #209227 Reply

      I have been cooperating with one of such programs for more than a year now and I can share my experience. It is about the ib forex affiliate program RoboForex, and my impression of working with them is generally positive. At first, I was attracted by the conditions offered by this program. Commission rates here are higher than those of many competitors, which is already a significant plus. When I just started, I was provided with all the necessary information and training, which helped me to quickly understand all the nuances and start attracting clients. Technical support works at a high level – any questions are solved promptly. Plus, they have a lot of promotional materials and tools for partners, which greatly simplify the process of attracting clients. Reports on accruals are transparent and clear, which allows you to clearly track your income.

    • #209234 Reply

      Getting started with affiliate programs is quite simple. You need to choose a broker that offers an affiliate program, register in this program, get your unique affiliate link and start attracting clients. Typically, you will receive a commission for each customer who signs up and trades through your link. There are many materials and tools to help you with this process, including marketing materials and statistics on your activities.

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