Embedding Items

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    • #1423

       I was wondering how I can embed items into casting molds for bangles and make sure that the items are totally covered with resin?  Like candy sprinkles, glass beads, small toys, glass, stones, transparent pictures, etc.  I want to be sure that the entire finished bangle will appear to be filled with the items I am putting in them but I also want to be sure that the entire surface area will be resin and no corners or edges of the items will be poking out at all.  Is there a trick to this?  

    • #1424
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Haeley,

      The first thing I would suggest is carefully putting the items into the mold before pouring the resin.  You want to make sure everything fits (i.e. not too tall or wide) before you worry about the resin.  Assuming, everything works, you will then want to mix resin and pour a bit into your mold.  Then add some items.  Keep alternating between adding resin and adding more items until your mold is full.  Your resin will shrink a smidge as it cures, so you can overfill it a tiny bit before you allow it to cure.

      Heres a tutorial that may help you:  https://resinobsession.com/Resin-Tutorials/392/How-to-make-a-craft-tape-resin-bangle-bracelet.html

      Good luck!

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