Filling large hole in maple cookie

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    • #16382
      Mark Oakes

      Hello I have 2 spalted maple cookie cut outs (about 3inches thick and about 31 inches in diameter)) and in the center of them are quite large holes(not sure what that’s from). To fill these holes with a dyed epoxy resin would cost a lot of money. So I’m looking for any tips to save on epoxy or what I can use as a filler. Someone said to do a bottom layer of your dyed epoxy, let it cure and then use spray foam to fill yhe rest and then come in again over top with the final layer of dyed epoxy. That way you won’t see the spray foam but you’ve saved a lot on epoxy. Seems weird. Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks!!

    • #16417
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Mark,

      I don’t know that I would use spray foam for something like this as it will likely release bubbles into your resin while it’s curing.

      Perhaps you could use a clear acrylic plug as a filler? You can resin either end.

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