Finishing a tile coaster

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    • #1623
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email by Kim:

      Hi There!
      Im a definate newbie with resin. I love working with it and have so many ideas that I have a hard time holding myself back from trying them all at once. Anyway, I have a question about something I attempted recently.

      For my sons school teachers I made them each a tile coaster. I printed out a picture of my son and glued/sealed it to a ceramic tile. I then took a Krylon leaf pen and colored the sides of the tile. Once the Modge Podge was dry I poured resin over the top. I let it drip down the sides because I wanted the edges to have a nice smooth finish as well. The top turned out great, but the edges, not so much. The resin was uneven.

      What would you suggest for the sides? Its a little rough as is. I would like it to have a nice, even, smooth finish.

      Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    • #1624
      Katherine Swift


      What a neat idea!  Here are my suggestions for what you can try.

      For fixing what you have already done:

      Can you sand the edges of the tile?  I would probably sand it off (on a flat surface under water — start with a 400 grit and go down to 1000 grit sandpaper) then try again.  Alternatively, you can try to fill the areas by dotting in more resin, but I dont know that this will turn out evenly. You will do better by applying a second coat.

      When starting over (or doing new ones), prop the tile up on something like a plastic cup so the resin can easily drip over the side.  Use a brush to even it up around all the edges and allow to cure.  You can see what I’m talking about in this article:

    • #1625

       I am also new to this and have the same problem. Would the sealnt spray work for the sides after sanding?

    • #1626
      Katherine Swift

      @Jody,The sealant spray will get it shiny again, but make sure to finish with a fine grit (1000 or higher) sandpaper.  Otherwise, some of your coarse sanding marks will still show under the finish.

      You can find the sealant spray I use here:

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