Food safe casting an organic object

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    • #12045
      Art W

      Hello, I am hoping to cast an insect in the bottom of a shot glass (I know it sounds weird but it is for a birthday gift of an eccentric friend). I have already cast one in the FDA compliant alumilite resin but it came out pretty cloudy, which I am assuming happened because I didn’t seal the object I am encasing. Is that probably the issue? My dilemma is, if I coat the object with the resin spray, will that essentially make the object no longer FDA compliant? I can not find any information on what the resin spray actually is. Would it be ok to us the resin spray or is there something that would work better? Mod Podge makes a dishwasher safe spray, would that be better? Any advice on making the object less cloudy? The ultimate goal is to make sure that it won’t be a health risk to use the glasses.

    • #12050
      Katherine Swift

      Assuming your insect was completely dry, that shouldn’t be the problem. I have never sealed insects before including them in resin and haven’t had an issue. Was your resin and casting area warm? Cold resin can cure cloudy.

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