I have a detailed cast of my body using liquid expandable foam and I am trying to figure out how can I drape fabric on it and make the fabric hold all the details of that body. I recently did a test sealing the body in Vaseline and dipping the fabric on Elmer’s glue, but the glue stayed humid because of the Vaseline and the fabric didn’t get as solid as I wanted it. Now I am considering dipping the fabric in resin and then laying that on the foam body to hopefully get a better impression that is solid, but I don’t know if it will work and I don’t know what to seal the foam nor the fabric with in order to stop the resin from eating them away. I am a student so I am on a tight budget which means I can’t experiment as much as I want to. Does anyone have an idea if or how to many it work with resin?
You can apply the resin directly to the fabric, but it’s going to stain the fabric with moisture. i.e. the fabric will end up darker than it is without the resin. I usually use glue to seal things (including fabric) but do understand it is taking a long time under these circumstances.
Maybe a clothing person can make a recommendation for sealing the fabric itself??
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