How can I mold a resin top?

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    • #91621

      Hello! I’m looking to make a top/corset made out of resin (just the top part, so the sides and back isn’t necessary). I would like to essentially have a thin sheet of resin for this but have it curved around the breasts. What is the best way to do this?

      I was thinking of getting a flat mold, letting it cure about half way, then shaping it on a mannequin. But if I do a silicone mold, the silicone won’t shape to the mannequin. Is there another mold I can use that will shape to the mannequin?

    • #91627
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Nicole,

      You’re going to have to create a mold for your resin corset. By the time the resin is cured enough to take out of a flat mold, it’s not going to mold to your mannequin with enough detail.

      This article explains more:

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