How can I STOP resin from lacing?

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    • #15592

      It seems everyone wants to learn how to get their white, or colors, to lace. I have just the opposite issue. I DON’T want my whites to lace but they do it every time. I don’t know what causes it to happen so I don’t know how to make it stop. Do you have any information on that?

      I use both liquid acrylic (Golden and Daler Rowney) and powder titanium white. Last evening, my dioxazine purple laced before I even applied heat!

      Any input you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    • #15603
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Carol,

      What an interesting question!

      The challenge is that white pigments are generally heavier so they want to fall through and lace. You may want to wait for your white resin to get thick before applying.

      (I’m afraid I haven’t thought about this, but now I want to try!)

    • #15606

      Thanks Katherine. I’ve tried that but even then, once I had heat to get rid of the bubbles, the white laces.

      Perhaps the question is: what are other people using and doing when they use white which is keeping it from lacing? I’ll repost under “How do I” and see what I get. Thanks.

      • #15612
        Katherine Swift

        Can you link to a painting you are trying to emulate? That might give me some ideas.

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