Keep resin from spilling out

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  • Author
    • #4652
      Penny Wells

      I want to pour resin into a bezel with a lace edge so the resin will spill out. Any ideas how I can seal the edges when I pour then take it off? Thanks.

    • #4654
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Penny, that’s going to be tricky! You can use masking tape, but I can’t guarantee the resin won’t seep out a little bit and stain the lace. You could try dripping hot wax onto the lace. Resin won’t stick to it, but the wax will probably stain the lace. Hmm. Maybe there is a sewing hack that could work here??

    • #4680

      Hi Penny,
      Do you thin you could give us a picture of the bezel? It’ll help us come up with suggestions!

    • #4681
      Penny Wells

      I’m not sure how to add an image here. I tried cut and paste and it didn’t work. I am technically ignorant.

    • #4685
      Katherine Swift

      These are Penny’s bezels:

      lace edge bezels

    • #4690
      Katherine Swift

      Thanks for sharing the picture. That helps a lot!

      You can either:

      1. Put tape around the lace part of the bezel. If you do a good job and make sure it is secure all the way around, your resin won’t run out. (I like to use good quality masking tape.)

      2. If these are a standard size, like 1 inch wide, you can always make the resin cabochons in a mold, then glue them into your bezels after demolding.

      Let us know how it works out!

    • #4693
      Penny Wells

      Thank you, I just ordered them and will give it a try.

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