Large clear resin cast mold

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  • Author
    • #13807
      Omar Abdul


      greetings to all the resin and epoxy enthusiasts and tinkerers.

      I would like to know how big of a cast can we make with clear resin?

      I want to cast a mold with 1mX1mX1m a solid square which is 1meters on all sides.
      Their will be items placed in the center too.
      (I know it will weight a lot)
      (Is it even possible)

      Are their any resources online or books that specifically talk about big and large clear resin casting and molding.

      Best Wishes.

    • #13808
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Omar,

      Yes, these castings are possible, but you have to work with the right resin. For the resin you are interested in, you need to contact that manufacturer and ask about the maximum mixing amounts.

      Using the formula in this article, , your box is 64,000 cubic inches, which works out to 1049 liters of resin. (It is unlikely you are going to be able to pour that much at once.) Pouring the next layer while the first layer is in the gel phase will minimize the lines between layers.

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