Layering – to add later after Resin has hardened or not at all?

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    • #197840 Reply

      I researched layering resin (see my post below) for my rocks table and found it is best to add another layer while the original layer is in “gel mode” meaning partially dry like jello. I did this and it looks like it worked. But I ran out of resin! And I still am not covering all my rocks. A few are sticking out a teeny bit and I need about another eighth of inch. So my only choice is to buy more resin and by the time it arrives to add after the original resin has hardened. Has anyone had experience adding resin to hardened resin? What went wrong? (I already looked on the “Oops” forum and didn’t find anything). I’ve read that when adding a second layer you might be able to see a seam where the new layer was added. Knowing the risks of adding new resin to hardened resin, do you recommend living with a slight imperfection with a few rocks slightly sticking out or adding new resin to hardened resin?

    • #197857 Reply
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Tricia,

      You can add a new layer of resin to a cured layer of resin without any problems provided the prior surface is clean. (Nothing oily to keep a new layer from sticking.)

      As for adding a new layer, you’ll have to decide if seeing the line between layers is something you can live with. It might be faint like the bracelet in this article:

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