Need resin type as crochet stiffener

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    • #84537

      Hi- I have large crocheted earrings that nothing will stiffen sufficiently. I want to try resin. I do not want to “encase” the crochet in resin, i just want to stiffen it. I do not want the holes to fill up and I want the cotton to stay as close as possible to its original texture. I want them as close to the way they look before adding resin as possible and to be 100% stiff and flat. What kind of resin should i use and is there a way I can thin it with so it absorbs into the cotton as much as possible? Thanks!

    • #84553
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Katherine,

      I’m afraid resin isn’t what I would use for a project like this. It’s going to fill up the holes of your crochet and it’s going to make your fabric look wet.

    • #84634
      Katherine Robinson

      Sorry to press the point but we are so desperate to find a solution- so there is no way to thin the resin so it soaks into the fibers more and apply with a brush? Or it absolutely will not stiffen if thinned? Thanks so much for your time.

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