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GuestHello everyone! I encountered a problem when optimizing the shift schedule in Shifton. I tried automatic scheduling, but it does not always work 100%. Sometimes employees have too many shifts, and sometimes – very few. Maybe someone can share their experience: how to set up Shifton so that it correctly distributes shifts between employees and takes into account all the nuances, for example, the wishes of employees or their workload? Or is it better to rely on manual scheduling if you want accuracy? I am interested in the opinion of those who are already using this system. I would be glad to hear advice!
GuestI also use https://shifton.com/shift-scheduling to schedule shifts, and I can say that automatic scheduling has its own subtleties. In general, the system works quite well, but like any automated tool, it does not always cope perfectly with the “human” factor, which is important to take into account. For example, the algorithm may incorrectly calculate the workload if the data on workers is incomplete or there is no information about who works when. I advise you to carefully analyze the settings you are using when setting up automatic scheduling. Shifton has several key parameters that greatly affect the quality of the result, such as the minimum and maximum number of shifts per week, preferred and unacceptable working hours, as well as the type of schedule itself (for example, day and night shifts). But it is important to remember that even with the right settings, the system sometimes does not take into account the wishes of employees or their physical condition. Therefore, to get the most accurate schedule, I would recommend combining automatic scheduling with manual adjustments. For example, after the system offers a draft schedule, I usually review it and make adjustments: if an employee worked several shifts in a row, I add a day off for him, if someone does not want to work on certain days – I take this into account too. Sometimes I have to swap shifts so as not to overload people.
GuestInteresting thoughts! I also think that it is important to combine automatic and manual planning, especially during peak loads. Automation in Shifton really helps speed up the process, but as with any other tool, you can’t rely on it 100%. Especially if the team is small or there are specific schedules that are difficult to take into account automatically. For example, if someone asks for a day off on certain days or works on a non-standard schedule – that’s when you have to intervene manually.