Polyurethane top coat issues on epoxy resin table

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  • Author
    • #96199
      Benjamin Bonness

      Hello, I’m in the UK and for a few weeks have been trying to make a dining table using epoxy resin. I have had a few issues along the way and now I am stumped with the final polyurethane top coat. I sanded the table thoroughly prior to application and I made sure I didn’t apply too much by rolling over the coat with 2 dry foam rollers yet the end result still has the orange peel effect.

      How can I fix this issue? should I;

      1. Wet sand the coat with 2000grit then polish the coat?

      2. Wet sand the coat and add another few layers before sanding and polishing?

      Also can I sand just one layer of PU and then polish or should I add multiple layers? if so when adding extra layers of PU should I sand each layer with 2000grit wet and dry?


      Thanks, Ben

    • #96263
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Ben,

      The orange peel appearance makes me think you aren’t using enough to coat it.

      Have you considered brushing on the polyurethane top coat?

      • #96270
        Benjamin Bonness

        Hello Katherine no I haven’t I didn’t know it could be brushed on I will give it a try thankyou!

        • #96401
          Katherine Swift

          Would you mind reporting back and letting us know how it goes?

          • #97142

            yes for sure!

    • #96200
      Benjamin Bonness
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