Questions about mold making and coloring

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  • Author
    • #1031
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email by James:

      I have another question that has been stumping me.  I want to tint some resin that comes out transparent and I?m not sure which tinting will work.  Also (and the biggest question) I need to make my own form for the resin because I need a large round form with about a 15 inch diameter.  I am not sure what to make the form out of because I am not sure what will NOT stick to the resin once it is dry.    Thank you so much.

    • #1032
      Katherine Swift


      For coloring your resin transparent, we have several in our store here:

      As for making a large round mold, you need to have a template that size to make a mold from.  Assuming you have the template, you can then make a silicone mold from it.  Silicone generally doesn’t stick to anything, but I always recommend using a mold release to be sure. This is the one I prefer:

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