Resin changing with temp

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    • #91152

      I used Art N Glow resin. I measured equal parts of hardener and resin, mixed for three minutes in a room temperature setting, and my resin cures strangely. At first when I take them out of the mold(72 hrs later) they are hard, over time if it gets a little warmer (75 F)they get bendy, and if i dip them in cold water they harden fully again. Why does this happen and could someone help me fix this problem?

    • #91156
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Jennifer,

      Some resins, like Art n Glow, even when fully cured, will be bendy. You will do better in using resins specifically meant for molds.

      For pours of 3 ounces or less, the Resin Obsession super clear resin is what you want:

      For pours of 3 ounces or more, the Resin obsession deep pour casting resin works great:

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