Resin moved when not cured.

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    • #1728

      Hi, Im new to resin and have just made some lovely resin heart pendants that had turned out pretty well.  The backs I have just filled today with a thin layer of resin to get that smooth, domed texture all the way around after it dips a little when cured.  Anyway, my two little dots of joy have picked up the box I was drying them in, a couple have spilled and the others I had to pick up to move now have tacky finger prints in and badly smudged edges.  How can I fix this when it is cured?  I tried to sand an edge this morning off an earlier piece but the edge looks cloudy and scuffed and I dont know how to rectify this.  Sorry Ive gone on a bit, struggling to find a solution.

    • #1729
      Katherine Swift


      Here are two options for you:

      1.  As for the fingerprints, let the resin continue to cure.  Recoat it with another layer of resin.  As long as the resin isnt cloudy or smudged looking, it should be fine.

      2.  As for sanding resin, start with a coarse grit (400 to 600 or so), then work your way down to a very fine grit (1000 to 2000 grit — you can get the super fine stuff at a art parts store).  Once you have finished it with the fine grit sandpaper, coat it again.  It should be fine.

    • #1730

      Thank you so much! 🙂

    • #1731
      Katherine Swift

      Meant to say auto parts store.  You can get fine grit sandpaper in the detailing section of an auto parts store.

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