Resin over acrylic painting

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years ago by Sarah Kerry.
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  • Author
    • #7321

      I like to paint in acrylic on canvas and I’d like to try making a pendant/cabochon for a necklace using a small acrylic painting (perhaps on canvas paper?) and covered in resin. Is this possible without distorting or smearing the dried acrylic painting underneath? What should I do to prep the painting prior to using resin? Has anyone done this before?
      Thank you!

    • #7347
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Elin,

      I have done this before without sealing the acrylic painting and been happy with the results. I suggest the Resin Obsession artwork resin. It is a doming resin and will give a very clear finish.

    • #7349
      Katherine Swift

      As long as the acrylic paint is fully dry, you don’t need to seal before pouring the resin.

      • #7350
        Elin Lewis

        Thank you. That helps!

    • #7352

      I pour resin over acrylic paintings with resin without sealing the paintings first and they come out beautifully. Good luck!

    • #7917
      Michele Embry

      Resin over acrylic paint is phenomenal!

      I paint and love what resin does for my canvases. I haven’t tried it on paper yet.

      1-current resin product I use seems to be prone to scratches…any suggestions for a more scratch resistant finish with the total cast resin?
      2-can the total cast resin withstand being mixed with acrylic paint?

      For new users….measure each product in separate containers….mix mix mix

      If ratios are off and/or product is not thoroughly mixed, the product can’t do what it is supposed to do.

      • #7918
        Katherine Swift

        You are getting scratches with the TotalCast resin? Are you using it on artwork or something else?

        I would expect acrylic paint to work, just know if you add too much there will be curing issues.

    • #7919
      Michele Embry


      I’m currently using a product that’s not yours.

      I happened to see an ad for your product and was checking out the info.

      I work large pieces and if they are stacked they tend to get scratches.
      Is your resin sctratch resistant or do I have to rake another step?

    • #7938
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Michele,

      This isn’t scratch-proof but you’ll have to try hard to get it to show scratches just by stacking paintings.

    • #8264
      Sarah Kerry

      I am using acrylic to paint on slices of wood (had to do something with that tree he cut down) and was wondering which resin would be best for this project.

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