Hi everyone!
I’m new to resin crafting and have tried my hand a bit at UV resin, but I would like to make bigger pieces so I’ve ordered some epoxy resin! I’ve tried to do research to my best ability but I can’t figure out what to do with some safety precautions for my specific situation.
Here’s the deal: Whilst I am an adult, I still live at home and my mother does not want me to use the epoxy resin within the apartment. Which means I’ll have to do it outside or in our little storage unit on the ground floor of the apartment building (shared with my neighbours with very poor ventilation).
Do you guys think think I could mix my resin outside and put the mold in an airtight container and let it cure that way to eliminate fumes?
Can I do the mixing in that little storage unit and let it cure over there without putting my passing neighbours at risk?
I did think of mixing resin outside and leaving it out there overnight to cure so there would be no risk with fumes and all, but it’s quite cold out and I’ve already read that your resin won’t cure properly if it isn’t warm enough.
I also have invested in a respirator, gloves, etc. to protect myself whilst I’m working with resin. The main concern is just for other people/not having a place with proper ventilation to cure/mix.
Sorry for the mini-essay, I wanted to give as much information as I could so someone could help me out!
Thanks in advance!
– Denise