Obviously, I am new to the resin crafting, but LOVE IT-
My daughter and I did our first craft sale this weekend, with no tent or cover- imagine our surprise when some of our products went from pink or purple, to
almost clear!
Can anyone tell me, should we use a different type of color, we used mainly alcohol and opaque inks and mica powders, or a different resin- currently have actually been using boat resin, as it was cheaper- could be the problem..lol-
And was it the sun, or just heat in general- it was only 70 degrees, but full sun- we do have a pop-up tent we can use if that will fix the problem-
Thanks in advance, we are planning a lot of farmers market type events, and I do not want to lose my products in the sun, or have customers be unhappy because of it-
Julie Helvey