Tiny bubbles and yellowing in ice resin.

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    • #7322

      How do I get those pesky bubbles out?!?! My pieces keep drying with bubbles that look like someone sprinkled sand over them. I’m using ice resin. I’m using ice resin. It’s also turning slightly yellow. I tried blowing on it to get the bubbles out. Not working for the smallest ones. It is cold winter here, about 70 degrees in my house. Please help!

    • #7348
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Jackie,

      Do you warm up your resin before pouring? That would help. A ‘hot box’ while curing is helpful as well. You can see how to do both in this blog post: https://resinobsession.com/resin-resin-resin/resin-casting-in-cold-weather

      As for the yellow tint, how old is your resin?

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