Secrets UNLOCKED: The Best Epoxy Resin For Art

which resin do you use for resin artSo, you want to create art with resin. You’ve seen ocean paintings and lookalike granite countertops all over Instagram. And you get a little excited about spending your adult time crafting. So you start planning and decide you need the BEST epoxy resin for art.

And while you’re researching, a few questions come up…

>Am I buying the best resin supplies?
>Is this the right type of resin?
>How much resin do I need?

I get it. With so many options out there, you’re worried about using the wrong resin.

So, how do you know which epoxy resin is the best for art projects?

You need to use an epoxy resin

For projects like this, using epoxy resin is critical. (More on the specific epoxy in a second)

You’ll see other kinds out there, like polyester and polyurethane. Don’t use these for your resin art projects. Those are meant for resin molds.

Can you use any epoxy to make resin art?

Unfortunately, no. Some epoxy resins are meant for molds. They will quickly run off a resin painting surface. Even if you create a barrier to keep the resin on the surface, they will not self-level to create a uniform surface.   You’ll end up with fish eyes and divots in your resin.  Ew.

professional quality resin

Then what’s the best epoxy resin for art?

You want to use a resin meant for coatings. These resins (known as doming resins) mix thick. They’re the consistency of syrup, making it easier for them to self-level over a surface.

This self-leveling aspect is pretty important. If you don’t use self-leveling epoxy, you’re art won’t finish with a glossy, even layer.

⭐️ BONUS: If all this still sounds weird to you, this will help: epoxy resin types

Is there anything else to know?

Yes. When choosing the best epoxy resin for art, there are a few other things you need to consider.

resin painting black frame
You need to choose an epoxy resin that you can mix in large volumes and give you a long work time.

Why do you need a resin that you can mix in large volumes?

Unless you’re making small projects, you’ll need a resin that you can combine several ounces to gallons at once. You don’t want to be in the middle of your project only to have to stop and mix more resin.

Plus, a long working time is important to have enough time to

>Mix the resin
>Pour it into your surface
>Work it a heat gun for resin to create exciting designs.

You’ll need a resin with a 20-minute or longer pot time to do all this.

Is resin UV protection important?

It sure is. When deciding which epoxy resin is best for your art, you want to ensure it contains additives to protect against yellowing. This will ensure your resin stays beautiful for a long time.

pouring resin onto a surface

What about resin safety? How do you know if you are using a safe resin?

There are many resins for art on the market, and not all of them are safe to use. When choosing one, you want to use a formula that conforms to ASTM D4236.

And if it doesn’t have that certification, don’t use it. It hasn’t met safety standards. Your health isn’t worth the risk.

Now that you know all this, which epoxy resin is best for resin art?

Resin Obsession has high-quality epoxy resin designed for all levels of resin creators to help you make amazing art.

What makes this epoxy resin so awesome to work with?

• Easy mixing. You don’t need an expensive scale to get your resin and hardener accurately measured. Simply measure 1:1 by volume.
• Glossy surface. Mix the resin and apply it to your artwork surface. It does the hard work of getting it even for you.
• Contains UV protectants to guard against yellowing. Your art will stay gorgeous for years.
• All Resin Obsession formulas are toxicologist-certified safe for art and crafts. (Plus, they’ve got the ASTM D4236 designation.)

What if you want to color this resin?

No problem. It locks in colors. We have a large selection of colors for resin to help you bring your art to life.

What else should you know about using epoxy resin to create art?

I’m so glad you asked. I wrote the PDF book Resin Fundamentals to fast-track beginners to resin success. I’ve condensed my 17 years of resin artist experience into an ebook you can read this afternoon. Buy now and get an email link to download in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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10 thoughts on “Secrets UNLOCKED: The Best Epoxy Resin For Art

  1. how do i prime resin to paint the acylic piece it doent want to accept the pain what can i use to primer it to paint?

    1. Hi Ann, if you are working on a surface that won’t accept the primer, it sounds like you need to sand it first to rough it up.

  2. Would a doming type epoxing be suitable for coating a sculpture made of wax string, in order to make it hard and durable? I have no experience in this matter, and want to avoid wasting time and money. Any advise you may have is appreciated.

  3. I repeatedly have issues with resin on my acrylic paintings “pulling back” from the edges of the canvas when dry. I scuff the surface with fine grit sandpaper, wipe clean and degrease with alcohol, then wipe again with clean water prior to adding epoxy. Any advice?

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