Can epoxy resin be used on glass? What To Know First

Can you use resin on glassIf you’ve spent time creating with resin, you may have wondered, can epoxy resin be used on glass? In a short answer, yes. But if you’ve learned anything around here already (besides how to make conversation heart jewelry), you know there’s always more to the story.

applying resin to a bezel

Epoxy resin is a strong glue.

Besides being a fun medium to create with, epoxy resin is also an excellent glue. You can use it to bond jewelry findings to your resin charms. It also glues to glass very well, provided the surface is clean. That means if a glass surface is free of dirt and oil, resin will stick to it with no trouble.

This ability to stick to almost anything is why you can’t use a glass baking dish as a resin mold. The resin clings to it, and the glass isn’t flexible enough to release the resin, even when you use a resin mold release.

Should you use epoxy resin on glass?

So here is where things get a little complicated. Just because glass and resin bond easily doesn’t mean bringing them together is a good idea.


Despite joining your resin and glass to create one project, it will expand and contract at different rates. When a resin and glass combo heats up and cools down, it acts as two separate items, not the one design you created.

Resin and glass used together and then kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat generally isn’t a problem. But, add weather elements to it, and the expansion and contraction cause the glass or the resin to crack. For example, a resin and glass window displayed in direct sunlight will break when there is a noticeable temperature change. Like going from hot to cold or vice versa.

Now that you know epoxy resin can be used on glass, how do you do it?

You’ll use your resin as a glue. Apply a bit of mixed epoxy to each piece, then press together. Make sure you wipe off any excess before letting the resin cure. You won’t be able to get it off once dry.

beach picture display window

What if you want to create something that looks like window panes of glass?

Instead of pouring the resin over the glass, create the window panes with resin by using a resin mold. Then, glue the resin window panes into the frame, using epoxy as glue. If you want to pour resin over window panes, display your resin art where you can protect it from temperature extremes.

⭐️ BONUS: There are a few other details to know. You can learn them in this beach picture display window tutorial.

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I get it. I was there once too. It’s why I condensed my 17 years of resin knowledge into the ebook, Resin Fundamentals. It’s all the things I wish someone had told me about resin when I got started. Avoid the same mistakes I made. Buy the resin PDF book and get a download link by email in minutes.


Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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96 thoughts on “Can epoxy resin be used on glass? What To Know First

  1. Thank you so much for replying! I am now sure that the freezing weather is what caused the problem.

  2. I have two mirrors that I no longer need . Is it possible to pour resin on them or would I be better to use glass paints
    I live in Spain so it’s very hot here at the moment.
    Many thanks to you

    1. Hi Sue
      I want to pour tinted blue deep pour resin over an existing clear glass window. If poured thinly over the glass do you think it might still crack in direct sunlight ?

  3. Hi Sue! Thank you for this information!!! Their is not much out there about using resin on glass! I am wanting to try and do a resin beach pour on a glass coffee table. I have heard about resin cracking on glass, so my question is as long as the table is kept inside out of the heat and cold then it should be fine and not crack? Also, is their one epoxy resin in particular you prefer or that you know of that works best on glass? Thank you in advance!

  4. I poured resin into a glass square floral that I received fresh flowers as a gift. I placed silk stemmed flowers in the container poured the resin (to look like water) the next morning the thick glass was cracked in two places. I have 2 more glass containers & would like to use the resin with flowers again, how can I do it without the glass breaking

  5. Hi! I have a similar issue- my grandmother passed away in March and I preserved some of the flowers from her funeral in shadow boxes. I was completely new to resin when I started the project.. gosh I wish I knew then all I know now about resin! Anyway, it cracked the glass, as I poured resin directly over the glass. I believe it was maybe too heavy, and probably got too hot when getting out bubbles. These are the only flowers I have so I can’t just start again. Should I sand down the glass completely to get to the resin, eliminating the glass completely and pour over it? Should I add more resin over the cracked glass to try to fix the crack? I’m just not sure what to do. I’m at a loss! 😔

    1. Hi Alicia, I’m afraid there aren’t any good options here. I don’t have any experience sanding glass, but I suspect it’s rather tedious. Perhaps you can create a wooden box frame for your glass, then repour resin.

  6. Hi. Thanks for the info – was just about to start a project which involved gluing 2 x 0.4cm coaster sized pieces of tempered glass together using resin, with an alcohol ink design on yupo paper sandwiched in between. Is the glass likely to crack if a hot coffee mug is put on it? Thanks.

  7. Hi I have a question about working with glass and resin. I plan on putting glass pieces on a wooden cutout then pouring resin over the top. I wasnt sure what the best way to use the resin on the piece do I resin the pieces to the wood and then pour resin over the top? I wasnt sure if i needed to just elevate the piece and let the resin run off?

  8. Hi,
    I have a question about resin and glass. I would like to combine stained glass and resin to make a window. I dont plan to pour resin over glass but in between pieces of glass. Would this be a problem or would it work?
    Thank you

  9. Hi Katherine,

    What adhesive is recommended for bonding glass to glass for making glass furnitures between UV Curing Resin and Epoxy Resin? Thank you

    1. Hi August,
      I came here looking for the same answer. Did you ever find your answer? Did you try either one or both of these? What was the outcome? I’m wanting to make a tiered glass tray and trying to figure out if I should glue it together with epoxy, UV resin or just use E6000.

  10. Hi
    I have a 36 inch round glass from an old table.
    I’d like to use it as a coffee table top. Is it possible to embed old records onto it and seal with resin?
    Thank you

  11. Hello,
    I want to put resin on wine glasses. Do you recommend this brand for this, or is there any other epoxy resin type or brand better suited for this? Thanks so much for your input!

  12. I was wondering if I can use a epoxy resin over glass tiles as grout and covering on a bathroom floor in small sections If so is there a certain thickness I should go on top of the tiles they are 4″ by 12″ tiles that will be laid in strips lengthwise across the floor?

  13. Hi, I’m still confused about resin and glass. So I got a tumbler for my birthday and I tried to use shot glasses and decorate them with resin and mica powder. They turned out pretty nice but the resin does come off if you peel it. How can I decorate bottles and glasses with resin but make it permanent?

    1. Hi Cecilia, I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. There must be something on the glass that is acting as a resist keeping the resin from sticking. You will either need to take off the surface or apply another surface that the resin will stick to.

  14. Hi Katherine,
    Thank you for the information! I am planning to do a project where I do a resin pour over an oval glass tabletop. How thick would you recommend I make the layer?

  15. I have a coffee cup 11″ round 7″ high. I want to make it look like it has coffee in it. I’m thinking about filling 3/4 full with expandable foam (great stuff brand) so I don’t have to use so much resin, then using a deep pour resin of about 1-2″ . MY QUESTION Will it stick to the sides? Do you see any problem using the foam? It will be used outside any problems? NEXT PROBLEM
    I want to cover a cigarette carton and lighter laying on top with resin HOW do I do this.
    This will be my first time using resin.

  16. Hi there!
    I’m so glad I’ve come across your page – your knowledge is incredible and thank you for sharing!
    I am looking to cover a champagne bottle with glitter (the bottle is unopened but I will open when finished).
    Can I use resin on this? It will be in the fridge and then a bucket of ice so I’m wondering if the all of these elements will impact the glass? Many thanks, Dee

    1. Hi Dee, I wouldn’t use resin on the bottle until after you’re done with it. The changes in temperature will likely make the resin pop off.

  17. I have a glass bud bowl that I laid a yellow rose bud in, put some resin in it to look like it’s floating in water, it set up and looked perfect…..until my dog knocked it off the table and broke the glass. Is there anyway I can get the rest of the glass off the resin without doing damage to the display. I’d like to save it, without the glass bowl if possible. Thank you.

  18. I am doing an art project using 6, 12×12 flat plates of glass. I want to use resin on the outside of the plates to hold them together. I will be using paint and paper between the glass plates. How might I do this? I thought of making a 13×13 box to go around it and deep enough so all the pieces are coated on the outside by the resin. Would this work?

    1. Hi Robin, I’m not clear on what you want to do. Are you wanting to use the resin like grout?

  19. Hi Katherine,
    No, have you ever seen the work of Dustin Yellin?
    I want to make a sandwich of the glass plates and put the resin on the outside of the sandwich sides to hold it together. Not on the flat larger areas.

    1. Hi Robin, I haven’t seen his work. While the resin will work as a glue, it will probably wick in between the glass and stain your papers.

  20. Hi Katherine. I’m looking into using resin inside a bell jar to give a floating item effect for Halloween. Would a deep pore resin keep the exothermic reaction down enough to keep from cracking? Would keeping the environment a specific temperature help mitigate the temperature differential while curing? Thanks in advance!

  21. Hi! I’ve dried and preserved flowers for years using silica and then arranging them in shadow boxes and glass domes. But recently I was asked to preserve a bouquet of roses that were given to a woman from her partner one day before the gifter died unexpectedly. They’ve asked about resin. I have the flowers drying right now. I’m considering trying to do resin around them in the glass vase the flowers came in. Is there a particular resin that would work for this? Or should I just do a silicone mold?

    Also, I’ll look around your website but if you have any suggestions on articles or videos that may help me, I’d be very interested. Thank you!!

  22. I have a stained glass piece with some cracks in it? Can I use resin to coat the cracked pieces to stabilize them?
    Thanks for your help.

  23. I have a 3foot x 5 foot beaytiful gold leaded glass pieve that is swanwich between two pieces of safty glass I am planning to put above double door on a remodel project…the problem One side of the safty grass took a hit and fractured into a thousand pieces…but still intact ( actually I like the effect …my question What kind of clear resin can i use to hald all in place ..this is in Houston tx we do not have extreme temp changes mostly hot /l[ke i mentioned the fractured glass actually adds an interesting look to this piece and i would like to keep !

  24. HI,
    What is the best way to get a depression (to place a bowl in ), when covering a cheese board with resin?

  25. How can you resin a square jar?
    I taped off two sides and resin one side at a time.
    What can I use to tape off on already resin side?
    Is there any glue that will peel off of the cured resin?
    I ruined a jar by using hot glue gun.

  26. Hi, I’ve never worked with resin before. I have a small birds skull I wanted to put in a small glass jar. My husband said I should pour resin into the jar around the skull to keep everything from moving around. Is this even something you can do with resin?

  27. Hi Katherine! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! My question is related to using glass rhinestones on a flat surface (like an acrylic tray or trinket dish) and then pouring resin over top to create a smooth surface. I adhered my faceted glass rhinestones to the bottom of the tray, then poured about 1/4″ of Alumilite Amazing ClearCast resin (from the craft store) over the top. I was trying to get a smooth surface with the rhinestones underneath (looking like they were “sunken” in the resin), but the problem was that when the resin cured, the facets in the rhinestones were totally invisible when looking down at the project! Do you know if that’s a common problem of trying to use faceted stones in resin? Or did I use the wrong resin? Any suggestions?

      1. Thanks Katherine! Is there any way to remedy it? I’ve seen projects on Etsy and other places where people somehow manage to do it, but I haven’t had any luck yet….

  28. Hi Katherine, I am new to epoxy pours, meaning I haven’t yet done any. I have just been reading about it. In my city they have been replacing the old bus stop shelters made of huge thick panels of glass. I may be able to get some for free and was thinking of trying my hand doing some epoxy pour on glass to use as a cladding over my plain painted wooden fence around my backyard. What do you thing of this idea and how could I achieve a long lasting mural that will stand up to the four seasons? Would it make sense sandwiching the epoxy between glass panels? My fence would surly stand out in my neighbourhood. Thanks for your advice.

  29. Hi. I used glass paint on an old window (much like the one in your example photo) to create a stained glass effect, and would like to seal it so I can hang it outside. Would pouring an epoxy resin over the painted side be an option?

    Thank you for your time.


  30. I would like to make some glass garden sculptures. Can I paint a thin coat of tinted resin on the glass pieces to give the clear glass some transparent color? Could I use UV resin? I’m looking for something I can use to just tint the glass that will hold up outside.

  31. Hi! I want to add a layer of clear resin on top of a mirror, but when I have tried this it messes up the mirror’s reflection—it’s all a bit blurry. Not cloudy, it just looks like the “surface” of the mirror has some texture where it didn’t before the pour. Have you gotten clear reflections from a mirror through epoxy before? Thanks!

  32. I would like to put colored glass on an old window and pour resin on top. I want to glue the pieces down so they don’t float and move. What glue can I use?

  33. Hi I’m new to your site and I have glass tiles coasters which I’ll like to stick a photo on and use the resin as a top seal will this work?

  34. Hi Katherine , I have 13 glass cabinet doors framed with wood . I am going to decorate with pieces of broken glass glued on to the glass of the cabinet doors . What kind of resin should I use .The depth of the is 1/2 inch to pour the resin on to the glass .

  35. Hello Katherine,
    I’m wanting to do a stained glass dragonfly wings incorporating glass and resin. The resin would outline the smaller glass pieces like grout to look like veins in the wings. The glass won’t be totally incase in resin. Is this possible or will the piece break? It will be outside in Houston, Texas, so exposed to extreme heat! If it is possible which resin would you recommend? Also are there dyes that can be used in the outdoor resin?

  36. Greetings! I took a glass vase, 6.5″ tall and approximately 3″ wide at the base (it narrows at the top neck of the vase), and put sand and seashells in the bottom, added silk orchids and immersible fairy lights. I used a deep pour resin and filled the vase about 2/3 full. It came out beautifully. The exothermic reaction was mild and the resin only heated to about 86 degrees F. However, when I shipped the vase to my sister from Florida to Arizona, the glass was cracked in several places. Another glass tea light I did something similar with but a smaller pour did the same thing. Both were wrapped very well. Is it possible temperature extremes in shipping caused this to happen? I have another vase done the same way in my living room that is just fine.

  37. Hello – I have glass mosaic tile left over from the backsplash in my kitchen. I was wondering if I could place the tile in a wood tray and then pour epoxy on top of it. I’ve never done this before, so any tips, you can send my way would be very much appreciated.

  38. Katherine –

    You are wonderful for answering all these questions. Thank you so much!

    Could you tell me if the following process would work, or if you would have suggestions for change?

    I am seeking to use small pieces of actual stained glass to arrange on top of parchment paper in the final arrangement. Each piece no bigger than a quarter, most smaller. Then pour a thin coat of resin to use as grout, use a heat gun on that resin to thin it out and permeate the voids evenly and thinly, adhering all the small glass pieces together with small spaces in between each piece.

    Once dried, there should be valleys between each piece of glass. The piece would be left to harden.

    To settle in those crevasse, I plan to pour another layer of resin that is heavily mixed with copper leaf flakes. I would make this a thin layer, using a heat gun and ‘squeegee’ to get the copper to settle only in the crevasses, but squeegeed away from the glass so that the glass remains clear, and the “valleys” opaque.

    Once dry, another thicker, clear coat of resin on top to bind the entire piece. On top of that would be a stiff, translucent white plexiglass sheet bound with another layer of resin.

    Once flipped over and peeled from the parchment, the stained glass should be as clear as the original glass, with the gaps between blocked from light by the copper flakes, but all available light shining through the stained glass pieces.

    Ideally, I’d like this to be mounted 5-6” behind a wonderful, clear, leaded, cut glass door that I acquired. And behind the translucent white plate, would be LED light strips to light the entire piece from behind.

    The entire piece would be mounted on a wall (with outlet), plugged in so the LED lights illuminate the translucent white from behind, which glows through the stained glass.

    My hoped-for effect would be what looks like a backlit Tiffany-style stained glass piece in the background, but viewed through the cut glass prisms for a cool effect, which also disguises the fact that it’s a resin piece behind, because of the absolutely elegant cut glass at the forefront.

    I’ve read in your works that mixing glass with resin could be trouble. And I’m worried that standing vertically over time could lead to the resin piece drooping. I am also iffy whether the piece would adhere to the plexiglass.

    Any help you could give would be crazy appreciated, as I hope for this to be ready for my wife’s birthday in May.

    Thank you so much for assisting me in NOT reinventing the wheel.

    All the best!

    1. Hi Joe, this sounds like an amazing project! With so many steps and processes, unfortunately I can’t predict if you would get the exact outcome you’re looking for.

  39. Hi Katherine.
    I have a leaky glass spray bottle for glass cleaner. It has a removable rubber base with a hole in the middle of it.
    The glass cleaner was leaking through the hole in the rubber detachable base.
    Question: would a resin seal the hole which I cannot even see?

  40. Hi I’ve never used resin before and I have a question about using it on glass. I make wind chimes from recycled wine bottles that I cut and sand so that the bottom doesn’t cut and will put together anywhere from 1 bell (that’s what I call the cut top portion that I use) and 4 bells. As these are ment to hang in a safe place outside so as to minimize the chance of breaking, I’m wondering if I put some resin on the outside of the bell and it’s hanging outside would the resin crack away from the glass? I read in some above comments the problem of using resin on glass and it separating. I’m trying to see if I can make my wind chimes sturdy enough so that they can be placed wherever a person wants to hang them. Also, would the resin change the sound of the chime the bell makes? Thank you for any assistance you can give me.

    1. Hi Lori! Sometimes if the glass is too smooth the resin has nothing to adhere to and can therefore fall off. You can try painting a small coat of resin on and see how it stands up. It might impact the sound a little but sounds like a fun excuse to try it out!

  41. Hi,
    I am into acrylic pouring art. I often paint glass vases or wine goblets and like to put a resin coating over my pieces for a classy finish and improve their robustness. I frequently use a tumbler turner and the resin goes on quite well. However, after the resin has been on for a while, it developes craters over the entire surface. I have tried coating them with varnish first, thinking that the resin is somehow being repelled by the paint but I get the same result. Several more resin applications almost smooths the surface out but I stop at four. Not perfect but almost. I always make sure the humidity is below 65%.
    Any idea what could be causing this very mysterious and frustrating result?
    I would really appreciate any clue.

    1. It sounds like you’re encountering what’s commonly referred to as “fish eyes” or craters in resin coating. This can happen for a few reasons, even though you’re taking many of the right precautions (like controlling humidity and applying multiple layers). Here are a few possibilities to consider:

      Contaminants on the Surface: Even if the surface seems clean, there could be microscopic contaminants like oils, fingerprints, or dust that repel the resin. Ensure the vase or goblet is thoroughly cleaned with isopropyl alcohol before resin application. Sometimes, even silicone oils from previous pouring can create this issue.

      Incompatible Paints or Varnish: The acrylic paint or varnish you’re using might not be compatible with the resin. Some paints have additives or ingredients that can repel resin, leading to craters. Testing with different brands or types of paints might help troubleshoot this.

      Improper Mixing or Bubbles: If resin isn’t mixed thoroughly or is mixed too quickly, air bubbles can get trapped, causing craters as they rise to the surface. Stir slowly and carefully, and consider using a heat gun or torch to eliminate bubbles after pouring.

      Resin Thickness and Timing: Applying resin too thin or not letting each layer fully cure before applying the next can also contribute to cratering. Ensure that each layer of resin has time to properly cure according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, and that you’re applying a consistent thickness.

      Environmental Contaminants: Even though you’re monitoring humidity, other environmental factors like dust or particles in the air could settle on the surface while the resin is curing. A dust-free environment can help prevent this.

      Surface Tension Issues: Sometimes, surface tension on glass or other materials can cause resin to pull away, creating craters. In this case, you might experiment with lightly sanding the surface to add tooth for the resin to grip or applying a primer that is compatible with both the acrylic and resin.

      A combination of these factors may be at play. You could try applying a thin layer of resin as a “sealing” layer before the final, thicker layers to see if that reduces the craters. Let me know if any of these seem to fit your experience, and I can suggest more detailed solutions!

  42. Hi! I have an aquarium with a crack on the bottom. I put JB Weld under the crack, but it is not a full seal as there are little cracks that will expand in the end. I am thinking about pouring a 1/2 inch layer of epoxy over the whole bottom to seal it. It would not have temperature extremes as the max temp range would be from 50 to 90 and no sun. Would the exothermic reaction break the glass it when setting? Could two 1/4 inch layers avoid the initial exothermic problem. Would the expansion differential finally separate the glass and the sheet of epoxy?

    1. By pouring two thinner layers (like two 1/4-inch layers), you’ll reduce the intensity of the heat during curing, lowering the risk of the glass breaking due to thermal stress. I would recommend giving each layer enough time to cure fully and cool down before applying the next layer.

      Expansion Differential Between Glass and Epoxy:
      Glass and epoxy have different thermal expansion rates, which means they respond differently to temperature changes. Over time, as the aquarium experiences temperature fluctuations (even within your 50-90°F range), the differing rates of expansion could cause the epoxy layer to separate from the glass.

      To minimize this:

      Use an epoxy with good flexibility: Some epoxies are designed to handle a bit of flex and temperature variation without cracking or delaminating. Look for a marine or aquarium-safe epoxy that’s formulated to withstand temperature fluctuations.
      Adhesion Promoters: You might also consider applying an adhesion promoter to the glass before pouring the epoxy to help create a stronger bond between the two materials.
      Edge Seal: Be sure to create a strong bond along the edges of the epoxy layer to prevent water from creeping between the epoxy and the glass.
      Recommended Steps:
      Test for Compatibility: Before pouring large amounts of epoxy, try a small test patch to ensure it bonds well with the glass and doesn’t overheat.
      Pour in Layers: As you mentioned, two 1/4-inch layers will help manage the heat produced during curing. Allow the first layer to cure and cool down completely before adding the second layer.
      Monitor for Separation: Over time, inspect the bond between the epoxy and glass, particularly near the edges, where separation might start first.
      Additional Considerations:
      Waterproofing: Ensure the epoxy you use is 100% waterproof and aquarium-safe (non-toxic once cured), as it will be in constant contact with water.
      Support Structure: If the crack is extensive, the epoxy alone may not be enough for structural integrity. Consider using a rigid bottom support, like a piece of acrylic or another sheet of glass under the epoxy layer for added strength.
      This approach could work well for your temperature conditions, and pouring in layers should reduce the chances of any issues from heat or separation. Let me know if you need further advice or specific product recommendations!

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