Two Easy Ways How To Mix Powder Pigment Into Resin

how to mix powder pigment into resinWondering how to mix powder pigment into resin? You’ve got two easy ways to do this.


There are two things BEFORE you start.

1. You need to mix your resin and hardener. Powder pigment goes into resin AFTER you mix it together. If you need help with that, this article shows how to mix resin.

2. Your powder pigment needs to be dry before you mix it into the resin. Excess moisture can keep your resin from curing or will make it cure soft.

Now that you know those important details, here are two ways to mix powder pigment into resin.

Option 1: Add directly to your cup of mixed resin

Sprinkle a little powder pigment on your cup of mixed resin and stir. Go with less than what you think you need, as you can always add more. Use a kitchen measuring spoon if necessary. Or lay off the coffee that morning so you don’t shake in too much.

adding pearl ex powder to mixed resin

This mixing cup has 1/2 ounce of resin and about a 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin orange Pearl Ex powder.  Stir the resin thoroughly with your stir stick. Check for any lumps that won’t dissolve.

💡 Pro tip: This method works well for powders that are finely ground. Don’t go more than 1 part powder to 4 parts mixed resin.

Option 2: Make a paste with the powder before adding it to resin

Some powders, especially weighty ones, don’t dissolve very well. You’ll end up with a resin mix that looks like Thanksgiving lumpy gravy instead of well-blended powder pigment color for your resin project. In cases like this, you can pour a little bit of resin onto a non-stick surface, then add the powder. Move it around and smash it with your mixing utensil to dissolve the lumps. This is going to be your stock solution. Once you have a stock solution, you can add this to your mixed resin.

You can see what I’m talking about in this video:

How do I know what my powder pigment colors will look like?

Whatever they look like in your container is what they’ll look like in your resin. That means if your powder has a metallic look, that same finish will transfer to your resin.

Will powder pigment color resin opaque or transparent?

When you mix powder pigment, it will make your resin opaque.

Can I mix and match powder pigment colors to make a new one?

While mixing powders together and adding them to resin shouldn’t cause any curing problems, you won’t make a new color.

Can you add liquid resin colors with powder colors?

Sure! You won’t notice the powders as much as using them with opaque resin colors. But they will give a metallic or pearlized effect to transparent resin colors.

Want to learn other resin techniques but don’t know where to start?

Get your copy of the PDF book Resin Fundamentals.  For less than the price of a resin kit, you can get the ebook to get you to resin pro status in an afternoon. Buy now, and a download link comes to your email.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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38 thoughts on “Two Easy Ways How To Mix Powder Pigment Into Resin

  1. I saw on you Tube that you had some powdered pigments in little jars with regular colors, neon colors and fall colors. I am looking to find out if you’ve started selling them. If so, I’d like to buy some. Thank you, Terri Lynch

  2. I am interested in making cabochon charms with resin but I want them to be matte and opaque. Will these types of pigments make them that way? Thanks

  3. Shannon,

    If you add just a bit of this pigment, your resin will be more transparent. If you continue to add more color, it will grow more opaque.

  4. I was wondering if you mix multiple shades what would happen? If I wanted to soften up some of the neons and I mixed in white would they blend properly or would I end up with a mess?

  5. @Katherine Elizabeth,

    Unfortunately, the powders won’t blend like that. If you’re trying to lighten up a color, then I would suggest using color pigments or our color blast resin.

  6. Hi there…can the dye be cooked in hot water?…im doing a custom watch band tat is transparent…usually i use rit dye mix in hot water…put in my bands in and the bands take in the dye…does ur dye does the same too…cos rit dye does not have neon colors.thanks

  7. I’m trying to figure out how to make my resin charms look as if there’s cotton or cotton candy flowing inside. Could anyone tell me how to do this?

  8. @Lawanna, the challenge is that those types of materials are going to want to shrink when they get wet. You will somehow need to preserve it as one big solid, impermeable piece before adding it to your resin.

  9. I was wondering if I could use your epoxy resin and powder pigments to repair a small crack in a soapstone countertop?

  10. @Marilyn, I don’t know if our resin is ‘industrial’ enough to be used on a countertop. I would suggest getting a resin recommendation from a home supply store.

  11. I use easycast resin generally, if I was mixing in a powder or liquid color would I add it to one half of the mixture then add the other half or mix the two halves together first?

  12. I’m looking into trying to work with resin–it looks fun! 🙂 Can you mix some of these powders with glow in the dark powder? Also, can resin pieces be used in concrete for stepping stones? If so, which is better to use, epoxy or polyester? Would they/the stepping stone need to be sealed, and with what? Thank you!:-)

    1. What is the best powder or paint to mix into a epoxy resin that dries in an off white colour

  13. @Carol, yes, glow in the dark powders can be mixed with resin. For outdoor use, I would recommend a polyester resin. It can withstand the weather better.

  14. Hi, so after you mix the tiny pigment with a little resin to get a color concentrate, what is the ratio in which the pigment color concentrate had to be mixed in the clear resin. Typically it is 2 parts color and one part resin. Also, do you have to use a different base resin to get a opaque effect? Thanks

    1. It depends on the color you are using. Use as little as possible to achieve the effect you want. You do not necessarily have to change resins to get an opaque color. Just be sure you are using an opaque colorant.

  15. As far as mixing is concerned. Do not mix then add pigment. Add pigment to Part A then add part B and mix again.

    1. Katie, I found that adding pigment after A and B mix works for ecopoxy flowcast kit. Adding pigment to Part A first works very well with a different brand.

  16. In general is there a ratio of how much colorant per resin amount? I’ve been researching and I’ve come across some sources that say too much colorant/pigment would alter the resin. Is this accurate?

    1. I try to go no more than 1 part powder to 4 parts mixed resin, but you can usually get by with less.

  17. Hi Katherine! How do you suggest to preserve liquid? Or what have you find is best to remove moisture excess from powder colors?

  18. Hi Katherine,
    I just realized i need a dark blue pigment for a project. Can I add black to my indigo blue color mix to darken it?

  19. I used the glow in the dark powder in my resin. I poured red resin into my mold then took a toothpick and stuck it in the glow in the dark resin (it was glowing SUPERwell) and did a swirl technique. Well i let it set and harden and now it wont glow anymore. Im not sure what i did wrong? Its my first time ever doing resin

    1. Hi Cheyenne, are you charging the glow powder with a light source? It will need to be regularly charged with light in order to glow.

  20. Hi. Can I just mix pigment powder with resin, then add hardener later? I have a huge project to make (dirty pour). I hoped to mix the colours thoroughly without time pressure. (5 seperate colurs). Then once satisfied that the powder is thoroughly mixed for each colour, add the hardener. Because I have then to layer the colours into the 12 awaiting pots.

  21. I have a metallic gold powder pigment that will only look blackish gold and not shiny gold when mixed into the resin. Any suggestions for getting that shiny gold look that won’t sand off?

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