How To Dry Flowers With Parchment Paper

How to dry flower petals with parchment paperYou’ve got some beautiful flowers. Maybe you got them from your garden, or you got the most beautiful flower delivery.  And now you want to include these flowers in your next resin project. Here’s how you can dry flowers with parchment paper.

Step 1:  Select your petals

fresh flower petals on parchment paper

Pick several fresh petals and place them onto parchment paper.

Step 2:  Cover the petals

Cover them with another layer of parchment paper. Next, fold a larger piece of parchment paper to fold around your flowers, making a ‘sandwich.’ Then, rest the sandwich on a piece of cardboard. Finally, place a heavy book on top.

💡 Pro tip: Because of moisture, change the outer parchment paper layer every two to three days. You don’t want the flower petals to mold.

Step 3:  Uncover the petals

flowers dried flat with parchment paper

This is the fun part of how to dry flowers with parchment paper — the reveal! This is how the flowers look after drying for two weeks with parchment paper.


Easy. All you need is parchment paper and a heavy book.

Colors stayed true.


Took two weeks to dry.

You must check the drying process since the paper needs to be changed every couple of days. That means you can’t leave the flowers for a couple of weeks like you can with flower desiccant.

dried flowers on parchment paper

Overall, the process is pretty easy. The colors are preserved well, and these are ready to use in clear resin.

Ready to use your flowers in a resin project?

Get my teaching and coaching all from the comfort of your home. I wrote the ebook, Resin Fundamentals, for beginners to get up to pro status with resin in only a couple of hours. Buy the ebook now and get an eamil download link minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2024 Resin Obsession, LLC

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8 thoughts on “How To Dry Flowers With Parchment Paper

  1. I use blogger paper. Flowers in between the pieces of paper. That sandwich goes inside a phone book onto which I put 2 or 3 bricks. I don’t change the paper at all, just wait the 2 weeks(much less in summer here in southern Oregon).

  2. Chris, you said you used “blogger” paper which I am not familiar with. Did you mean blotter paper and if not, could you tell me what blogger paper is and where you find it? I checked out your site and you have absolutely gorgeous pieces so I would love to learn more.

  3. I am fairly lazy. I took flowers and leaves,lay them between the pages of a telephone book with bricks on top for weight.
    The ink on the print has not worn off on they were nice and flat. They turned out nice in color also. The only problem I have with any way of drying is white and light colors trun a yellow tinge.

  4. I use books. They must NOT have glossy pages. A brick or
    weight can be used BUT best results are with a large binder
    clip or rubber band. Post it notes serve as id tabs.
    I get 5-10 preservations per book. I an using botanials
    that are pressed 8-10 years in some designs.

  5. Love your tutorial with the parchment paper!!!! The colors of the petals came out very vibrant!
    This technique will be my next process😸

  6. I use a food dehydrator (that I do not use for food) to dry flowers. Mine has up to 5 trays that I can use at once. It takes about 3 hours to dry the petals depending on how many I’m drying and what type of flower it is.

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