8 Misconceptions About Resin for Beginners

8 misconceptions about resin for beginners

So you’ve decided to give resin a try. Awesome. You’re in for a fun way to make art, crafts, and jewelry–even if you’re one of the many resin beginners that come here.

But you know what makes me sick?

Besides gas station sushi 🤢

When amazing creatives like you get dragged down with resin details.

Especially when they’re inaccurate, misleading, or don’t tell the full story.

I’m guessing this isn’t the first page you’ve read today about how to make resin crafts.

I’ve been a resin artist for more than 17 years, and I’m not going to lie to you.  Many days, especially in the beginning, are hard.  Like ugly cry hard.

When I started crafting with epoxy, I had to figure it all out myself. And made of ton of mistakes in the process.

So the first thing you should know:

The overwhelm or hesitancy you’re feeling right now is not unexpected.

It’s normal not to want to

*squander your time
*waste your money
*create something ugly

That’s why I’m guessing you’re searching for a resin for beginners. Because you want to get your resin project right the first time.

And you’re not wrong for searching for that. But…

That’s NOT what you need.

More on that in a minute…

The second thing you should know:

I’ve lived all the resin stuff.

I’ve made the resin mistakes.  I’m not some website trying to sell you unsafe resin or get a bunch of eyeballs on the page to sell advertising.

And I’m not some rando using AI to write about resin because I’ve been hired to do it. Besides, many of those people know nothing about the topic. I know because they plagiarize this article all. the. time.

And if that’s not enough for you, I’ve got resin drips on my countertops to prove my love and commitment to the stuff. 😆

Yes, I want you to buy resin supplies at Resin Obsession, but I do have a conscience.  I’m going to give you the best freakin’ resin advice I have.  Then, you can decide if we’re a good fit for each other.

Ready to press the easy button?

Good. Here are the steps you need to take.

Misconception 1: Any resin works to make any project.

pouring colored resin into a silicone mold

Knowing what you are going to make, before you buy epoxy resin, is essential to choosing the best resin for your beginner project.

NOT, buying a ‘resin for beginners,’ then trying to make it fit your project.

After you’ve got your project, answer this question:

Are you using the resin as a coating or to fill a space?

Whoa, this is a lot of questions. Like, I didn’t know there was going to be a test.

No test. But…

I see a lot of resin beginners buy resin before they ever know what they’re going to make. And then they wonder why they have

*Bubbles (which should be #21 on this list)
*Fish eyes, divots, and dimples
*Uncured, sticky resin

You don’t need to buy a resin for beginners. You do need to buy the right resin for what you want to make. Being a resin beginner is irrelevant.

Like this post? You may be interested in  How to Create a Terrazzo Jewelry Tray with Eco Resin

You need to know whether you need the resin to coat a surface or fill a space. Because…

Resin for coatings is not the same as resin for filling.

So, if you want a shiny, glossy finish on

*jewelry blanks
*art canvases

Then you want to use a resin for coating, also known as doming resins. You’ll get that beautiful, glass-like finish that covers evenly.

If you want crystal-clear

*mold projects
*river tables

Then you want a casting resin. They’re able to cure bubble-free and durable.

The good news is that Resin Obsession sells both epoxy types.

I’ve got more resin reading for you beginners if you want extra credit points for that non-existent test:

⭐️ BONUS: What’s the best resin for jewelry?
⭐️ BONUS:  Get the unconventional truth about what resin to use.
⭐️ BONUS: How to choose the best epoxy for the job.

By the way, getting the right resin for your project is 90% of making something beautiful.

Misconception 2: Where you use resin isn’t important

crafting trays

Working with resin can be messy. (Or, in my case, will be messy.)

You need to protect your area to ensure the resin doesn’t ruin your desk or table. You can use a silicone baking mat as a protector or tape a garbage bag to your table.

⭐️ BONUS: If you don’t have either of those items, here are surfaces resin won’t stick to.

Misconception 3: Resin safety is overrated.

nitrile gloves

Resin kits are chemicals. You should treat them with care and respect. (Much like a Nirvanna CD from 1992)  Wear safety gloves and work in a well-ventilated work area.

Now I can’t make you do anything. I fail at getting three teenage boys to pick up their dirty socks.

So instead, go into it with the ‘safety third’ mantra from this guy.

SPOILER: It explains that we can’t expect every possible outcome. Beginners need to do what they think is best for keeping themselves safe when crafting with resin.


⭐️ BONUS: Here are the resin safety precautions I take.
⭐️ BONUS: Take a walkthrough of my resin studio so you can see what ‘proper ventilation‘ means to me.

Misconception 4: Besides resin, it doesn’t really matter what else you use.

supplies for resin casting

Besides resin, you’ll need measuring cups, mixing utensils, and safety gloves. You’ll probably want resin colors and resin molds for your beginner project.

And these are supplies designed to be used with resin. Because you can’t use any mold with resin.

And the cool thing is that the Resin Obsession store only sells the supplies I use. So if you need help with those supplies, you can rest easy knowing I’ve got first-hand experience using them.

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s an extensive list of resin supplies you need to start casting
⭐️ BONUS: Must-have supplies for making resin jewelry
⭐️ BONUS: Resin art supply list

Misconception 5: Mix the resin, then figure it out.

adding resin to a silicone mold

Plan your project steps before you start. Once you mix the resin, you only have a limited time to use it. You don’t want to waste precious time figuring out the details of your resin project (which is a common challenge for beginners).

⭐️ BONUS:  If you’re stuck for ideas, here are 15 easy crafts perfect for resin beginners.

Misconception 6: All resins mix the same.

measuring epoxy resin and hardener into graduated resin mixing cups


Carefully measure and thoroughly mix your resin. Then, use your resin right away. You only have a limited time to use it once it’s mixed.

How do you know how long you have to use it after mixing?

That number should be included with your resin kit instructions. (You’ll see it called the open time, pot time, or working time.)

⭐️ BONUS: We’ve got those details for you in our resin buying guide.

But wait, there’s more! (in the buying guide, that is)  You’ll get all kinds of cool stuff, like whether the resin is a casting or doming resin, making it easy for you to buy the right one.

⭐️ BONUS: If you’re a visual learner, here are five easy steps to measuring and mixing epoxy resin. The article has pictures and videos.

And still no test. However, I’m happy to give you credit from Resin University. 😉

Misconception 7: Nothing bad will happen to your resin after you leave it.

covering bezels to keep dust and dirt out while curing

Cover it with a large container to keep dust and hair from the resin while it cures. It helps if the container is see-through so you remember why it’s on your table. (If you can barely remember what you had for lunch today.)

Leave it for the cure time (also in that FREE resin buying guide that I wrote especially for beginners to get you on the right track).

Misconception 8: You don’t need to do anything to your resin after it dries.

sanding edges of a resin charm with a nail file

Once your resin dries, put on the final touches. You may need to add jewelry findings to make resin charms wearable or sand off sharp resin edges. With resin art projects, you may need to remove drips from the back of your artwork surface.

And the most important step. Marvel in your creativity.

Want more information for beginners on how to get started with resin? I want to help. Resin Fundamentals is the PDF book that can get you to resin pro status. Buy now and get a download link in minutes. Read the ebook in only a couple of hours.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

34 thoughts on “8 Misconceptions About Resin for Beginners

  1. I’ve had problems pouring spheres. I tried alumilite but the results were terrible. Do you pour in layers, is there another way to remove bubbles if you don’t have a pressurization pot. there was a definite line around the middle where my mold met. Help!

  2. I am just starting out wanting to use resin for my botanical preservation. I want to pour resin in the bottom of a glass container and place wood in the container so the resin imitates water! I will also want to put pebbles, crystals, or river stones at the bottom of the container. Can you guide me on how to best do this?

  3. I am wanting a clear resin for embedding objects. My husband wants a resin he can turn on his lathe. Do we need different types of resin or is there one that will work for both of us?

  4. im 13 and i really like making resin shakers, but I don’t have a gas mask and my artworks are small. i usually use a normal mask and put tissue in side of it (I also use gloves) is that alright? or do I still have to get a gas mask?

  5. Hi so. I am a beginner and have A and B resin how do I use it do I mix the m if so how much resin do you need for one primed and how much A do you mix with B

  6. I am thinking of starting a career in epoxy products i.e. design fabricate and then eventually the sale ..
    Since I am a beginner at all this yet it fascinates me knowing that I can use my skills at a right place and get a good earning as well . So please help me out here as I need all the assistance and guidance there is.
    Will be waiting for your reply.

  7. Hi, I am interested in using resins along with models I have 3d printed.
    I am thinking of using a contrasting colour to fill a text, like an engraved text to enhance it or to include items in the model that I can suspend in clear resin inside the model.
    Where is the best place to purchase and what are the manufacturer names to look out for?

  8. I am a newbie to making mold items, like dominos n keychains. My issue is do I do it in layers if I want to put glitter or other little things into them?

  9. Hi Katherine,
    First, Thank you for all your information on resin. I am a newbie but, jump in with both feet. I’m not a patient person when it comes to creating. Resin is my new “obsession” however, I recently got symptoms like a cold and bad cough. After a couple of weeks I decided it was time to see a doctor. My lungs were clear and he thought is was an inflammation. After telling him about my crafting with resin he suggested i take a break and see if the cough resolves. It did, after 2 more weeks of coughing my lungs out and snotting all over everything. So, I am very reluctant to start back up. I spent some $$$ on molds and supplies etc. No, I was not in a well ventilated room, nor did I wear a mask. So, in your expertly humble opinion, is it safe to try again with the correct safety measures in place? Thank you so much and also, for this great site. I just found it today.

  10. Hi. I just ordered a resin dragon & dragon egg mold. Everything ive read is just confusing me more & more. What type of safety gloves should i get? What is cinsidered well ventillated? Im in an apt with 1 livingroom windiw & 1 bdrm window. What type madk di i use? I need step by step instructions for a kindergartner, cuz i have comprehension problems. I realky want to try this, but now im terrified to buy resins cuz theres so many & even resin kits ive seen online are confusing ss hell with their descriptions.

  11. Hi I want to start working on acrylic blanks for keychains what is the resin is best to use? Also in the alphabet letters silicone molds do I have to buy different resin for each?

  12. Hi can i use eye shadow in resin? I know its made with some mica powder or will it react badly with the resin? Also what is best weighing your resin or measuring your resin?
    Thanks Julie

  13. Hello my name is Dean and I am brand new to the art of resin, so my idea is to dip a pendant in resin but I would like to be able to see the pendant still while having streaks of color run through it. What type of resin would you recommend for this and are there any additional articles that I can read on this subject

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