How to Make Resin Bowls In 5 Easy Steps

I’m going to show you how to make resin bowls using silicone poached egg molds. These resin bowls make great little catch-alls for rings and other things.


resin bowls

I am using shiny silicone poached egg cups as my molds. You can find these molds with a matte finish as well.

poached egg molds


Resin Supply list:

Resin Obsession Super Clear Resin
Resin Obsession Pearl Powder
Bronze pearl ex powder
At least five resin colors in transparent and opaque hues

Step 1:  Mix and color resin

Mix the resin, then pour it into separate containers. Stir enough to mix the colors in thoroughly.

colored resin mix

adding resin to colors and cup


adding resin to cups

stirring color into resin

stir resin colors for bowls

resin colors in silicone cups



Step 2:  Pour resin into the cups

Now the fun part! Pour the resin into the silicone cups in any order. Fill 1/3 to 1/2 of the cup, depending on how big you want the bowl.

💡 Pro tip: Add the more transparent colored and sparkly resins near the end. This will make the edges more transparent, which is a neat effect.

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

pouring resin into mold

adding purple resin


adding white resin


Step 3:  Add another mold

Once all the resin is poured, add a silicone poached egg mold on top; this is what will create the bowl. To keep the mold down, add water to weigh it down, making sure the water does not get into your resin because water and resin equal disaster! Add just enough water to keep the second mold from floating. Leave to cure.


placing silicone mold on top of resin in mold

placing silicone mold on top of resin in mold

pouring water into silicone mold

silicone molds

Leave to cure for 4 hours or a little more than the halfway cure point, depending on the resin. You want your resin to be somewhat soft before going on to the next step.

NOTE: This is not critical. The project still works if you don’t get to de-molding and the resin has completely hardened. The following steps can be more difficult, but still totally possible.

dump water from silicon mold

demolding resin bowl

removing silicone mold

resin bowls




Step 4:  Trim the edges

You can see the edges are a little uneven. This is the time to cut off the edges and why you want to try to demold while the resin is still somewhat soft. It’s easier to cut, but even if fully cured, it is easy to get rid of the uneven edges with scissors. It just requires more effort.

cut resin edges

cut edges of resin bowls



Step 5:  Finish the bowl

At this point, the edges can be finished however you desire. They can be sanded down and polished, or you can add a slight extra finish. I find that dimensional mod podge is nice and thick and holds well to the edges. Sprinkle some sparkles over the wet mod podge.

I used embossing powder for these — a bronze powder and a silver holographic one. You can see some sparkles traveled into the bowl in part, and because they had some glue on them, they stayed there. This is one of those happy accidents I think adds to the bowls! Leave to dry.

supplies for resin edges

add glue to resin edge

add glitter to edge

resin bowls

P.S. I mixed too much resin when making these resin bowls, so I got out a wood canvas and randomly poured on the leftover resin. I used a toothpick to move the resin around and ended up with a pretty nice piece of work!

leftover epoxy resin pour


Want to learn the basics of resin beyond how to make resin bowls?

Then you’ll want to get a copy of Resin Fundamentals.  The PDF ebook teaches you everything you need to know to get to resin pro status in an afternoon.  Go from confused to confident with epoxy resin in only a couple of hours.  Buy the book now and get a download link to your email in minutes.

Originally written by Penny Reid

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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19 thoughts on “How to Make Resin Bowls In 5 Easy Steps

  1. I love the bowls! I am definitely going to try this! I also LOVE the resin painting, the colors are amazing and the bronzy glitter just pops! Kudos!!!

  2. Thanks for the great ideas!
    Just wondering if you have any tips regarding the polishing of resin, haven’t been able to find anything that works on crystal clear finish?
    Thanks, Susanne

  3. I found some embossing order on a local yard sale site and was wondering if this is a preferred glitter to use. I haven’t decided whether I should buy it or not. Thank you

  4. you don’t give ratios on resin to paint? can you give me an idea of how much resin vs paint?

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