Resin on a cement tabletop

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    • #1017

      these different things do not stick to the resin but they do stick to the cement leaves.  Thank you for the suggestion

    • #1013
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email by Gaylene:

      I make cement tables out of rhubarb leaves.  I would like to pour resin on the top to fill the veins and make like a glass top to it.  I have not been able to find anything to put around the cement leaf to stop the resin from running out.  I have tried electrical pudy because it is pliable, but I can not get it off the cement leaf after it drys.  It sticks to the cement.  So im looking for something that is pliable enough to get into all the little crevices all the way around the leaf, but that will come off easily.  Do you have any ideas?  I would greatly appreciate them.

    • #1014
      Katherine Swift


      I would suggest putting painters tape or masking tape around your table to keep the resin from running off the sides.  These may not be sticky enough, however, to stick well to your cement.  If they didnt stick well, I would try a layer of duct tape over top the painters/masking tape to make sure it stick to the cement.

    • #1015

      I have tried all the tapes.  None are pliable enough to fit into the crevices.  Thank you. 

    • #1016
      Katherine Swift


      You might try some hot wax.  The resin wont stick to that, but I dont know how easy it would be to get off your concrete.

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