How to warm up a new email account for mass mailing?

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    • #221844 Reply
      Deus Ex

      I recently created a new account to send out emails to our potential clients, but I’ve already run into a problem. Most of the emails are going to the spam folder and this is hitting the mailing results hard. I’ve read that new accounts need some kind of “warming up” to ensure that the emails reach the recipients. Can anyone explain what this is and how to properly warm up a new account? And is it necessary to do it at all, or can I start mailing right away? I want the emails to go to the main folder and not to spam.

    • #221869 Reply
      erik 55

      Yes, warming up an email account is a very important step. If you start mailing without preparation, there is a high probability that your emails will end up in Spam. That’s why I recommend using a special tool, for example, top email warm-up . It helps to improve the reputation of your email and increase the chances that your emails will reach the recipients. This is especially important for new accounts that have no sending history. This tool gradually increases the volume of emails you send so that email services can see that your account is “trustworthy”. And by the way, it’s not only useful for new accounts. If you have an old email that started to perform poorly, warming up will help restore its reputation and improve deliverability. So don’t ignore this step, it will help you avoid mailing problems!

    • #223171 Reply

      I didn’t understand why account warmup was necessary before either, but once I started using it, I noticed clear improvements. It is especially important for those who plan to send large volumes of emails. I’ve used several warmup services myself, and I can confirm that the result is really there. It’s especially cool that it helps not only for new accounts, but also for old ones that might be blacklisted due to sudden increases in sending volume.

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