iPhone case

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    • #222030 Reply

      I’m wanting to make a silicone mold of my iPhone case. What do I need to do to complete this project so it will come out r?

    • #231622 Reply

      That sounds like a fun project! To make a silicone mold, you’ll need silicone rubber, a mixing container, and a release agent. First, make sure your iPhone case is clean and dry. Then, mix the silicone according to the instructions and pour it over the case, ensuring it’s fully covered. Speaking of precision, I recently had a problem with my MacBook’s Touch Bar not showing up, which affected my projects. If you ever face similar issues, check out this helpful article: https://setapp.com/how-to/how-to-fix-macbook-touch-bar-not-working . It’s essential to have all your tools working smoothly when you’re in the creative zone!

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