Apply a Sticker to Completed Polyresin

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    • #22657

      I have a completed polyresin gnome statue that I would like to add a sticker to in order to personalize it (adding to the hat). If I add a sticker to it, can I coat it with a clear coat of some kind without messing up the completed statue. If so, what kind would you suggest? If a sticker will never work, what could I do to paint on the statute? What kind of paint would you suggest using and how would you seal it? Thank you for any advice you may have to do this. I am fairly crafty but I have never worked with polyresin before. Thank you

    • #22669
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Amy,

      If you want to glue on a sticker, E6000 works well. You can find it in our store here:

      Otherwise, you can paint on the resin. This article details more:

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