How to calculate my TDEE to maintain my weight?

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    • #234382 Reply
      Deus xxx Ex

      Hey guys! I’m trying to figure out how many calories I need to consume to lose weight, but it’s hard to find accurate information. Does anyone have any experience using TDEE calculators? I’m wondering how to factor in the intensity of my workouts and whether I should take into account anything other than my weight and height. I don’t want to miscalculate and stop my progress. I’d also like to know how many calories I need to lose weight without risking muscle loss. Are there any formulas I can use on my own or should I rely on online calculators? Share what you use and how effective they are!

    • #234410 Reply
      ron 8765

      DEE is the total number of calories you burn per day, taking into account all your activities. For an accurate calculation, I always use tdee calculator accurate. It’s a free and very accurate tool. This calculator takes into account your age, height, weight, and activity level to determine the average number of calories you need to maintain your weight. It can also help you calculate how many calories you need to lose or gain weight. It is convenient that it immediately shows not only TDEE, but also BMR — basal metabolic rate, which is also important for the calculation. The main thing is to enter all the data accurately, especially for activity. If you have different workouts on different days, you can calculate TDEE separately for high and low intensity days to avoid errors in calorie consumption.

    • #235012 Reply

      It is important to understand that TDEE is not just a number, it is a complex indicator that helps you better control your diet and physical activity. For example, I trained several times a week and thanks to this calculator I adjusted my calorie consumption to my goals. Previously, I consumed more calories than I needed due to incorrect calculations. By the way, another factor that I take into account is the thermic effect of food.

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