Hollow Resin Dice

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    • #56439

      How would I go about making a hollow die? I’d like to be able to fill the die with water to achieve a snow globe effect. I’ve tried using UV resin slowly and carefully with a mold and it is just so sloppy. Has anyone cracked this problem yet and are you willing to share your secrets?

    • #56466

      This is also causing me issues in trying to figure out! At least I’m not the only one struggling with this concept.

    • #56470

      Could you slowly build up thin coats of resin all over the inside of the mold? You’d need to let the resin sit long enough that it doesn’t all immediately sink to the bottom of the mold, and then maybe cast a ‘cap’ that gets glued on afterwards..

      • #56475

        I was super confident I could build up layers with the UV resin. I imagine it would be a whhhhooooole lot harder with regular epoxy resin.

    • #56583
      Katherine Swift

      You will need to create a mold where it casts with a hollow void. Essentially, it would need to be like this bowl mold: https://shop.resinobsession.com/products/square-bowl-reusable-silicone-mold

    • #82688
      Lee Steiconi

      Slush casting, aka rotational casting would work. You fill the mold partway, seal it, then rotate it until the resin is set. The rotation lets all parts of the mold be coated; as the resin sets up, it sticks to the sides.

      I’ve seen videos of people rotating by hand for fast setting and UV resins, or with a machine for slower setting resins.

      I have a rock tumbler I plan to experiment with. Since it only rotates in one direction.(like north-south but not east-west), the casting may come out thin on the unrotated sides.

    • #83554
      Emily Bell

      If you go on youtube, Rhybonator does one where he fills a tiny globe ball with the glittery liquid, then seals it with UV resin, then places that into his die mold. I plane to create a D20 die this way.

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