Using epoxy resin to reduce volume of a box

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    • #59001

      So i have a subwoofer box that i need to make smaller by 1 litre. I was thinking of just pouring in 1 litre of resin and leaving it to harden. Someone also suggested mixing resin with sand and using this method as i would not have to layer it, i could just pour it all in. If this would work what ratio of sand to resin would i need? And would i have to combine both volumes of sand and resin to 1 litre then mix it together?


    • #59261
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Tom, I haven’t done a project this large with resin and sand.

      For smaller projects, I add enough sand to where the resin is saturated, but still pourable.

    • #61777

      How about if i were to pour 1 litre of sand into the box and then add a small layer of resin over the top to stop it moving around. Would that work?

    • #62281
      Rhonda J Hunter

      Is the sand necessary to your project? That adds a lot of weight. I would cut styrofoam to fit the inside and glue it in.

    • #62304
      Katherine Swift

      The resin is going to soak into the sand.

      Have you considered concrete? You could pour the concrete, then seal it. The resin shouldn’t permeate through.

    • #62357

      The thing is the box or enclosure is made out of a fibreglass mould and is far from a cube or cuboid so it would be difficult to cut foam to fit perfectly and reduce the volume accurately by 1 litre. I ideally need to pour in 1 litre of liquid substance so it will fill the fibreglass mould then have it harden.

    • #62359

      I think concrete may be a tad too heavy. It may crack the fibreglass?

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