Putting letters on cast resin

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    • #64697

      I’m trying to cast handles for pocket knives… I got the information on mixing colors and cutting and sanding to shape… The question I have is how could I do something like putting a person’s initials or a custom phrase or such?

    • #64954
      Katherine Swift

      The easiest way, I think, would be to use paint then cover with another layer of resin as a glaze to seal it in.

      • #65854

        How would I go about doing that… I tried looking it up but can’t seem to find anything…

        • #66187
          Katherine Swift

          We have an article here that talks about painting on resin. https://resinobsession.com/resin-tutorials/how-to-paint-on-resin/

          A stencil would probably work best.

          • #68376

            I looked at that article and it didn’t answer one question… I plan on casting then cutting and sanding into shape… The reason for not casting the final shape is to get the desired pattern out of it… After the cutting and sanding I’m going to polish it to get back the gloss finish of clear resin… So at this point the handle is pretty much finished… Then i want to somehow put a person’s initials, name, personalized message, ECT… If i paint it the question I have is how do i apply another layer of resin to seal it in? Also is there another method to achieve this such as etching or engraving?

            • #68508
              Katherine Swift

              Yes, you will need to apply another layer of resin to seal in the paint. Unfortunately, there isn’t a good way of etching resin without it requiring extra finishing.

              • #68904

                Can i just brush on the extra layer or is there another method?

              • #69049
                Katherine Swift

                Yes. A foam brush is what I would use.

              • #80568

                How would I go about cleaning the foam brush when I’m done

              • #80570
                Katherine Swift

                Unfortunately they don’t clean very well when using them with resin. I much as I hate wasting supplies, I’m afraid I just throw them away.

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