I want to bounce an idea off people before I try it myself and possibly damage stuff.
I keep having problems with micro bubbles, and was thinking of how to get rid of them after I’ve mixed, as a heat gun doesn’t get all of them. What do you think of a heating pad to sit your mixing cup onto for a few minutes to make any deeper microbubbles rise up to the top for easier popping?
The idea is essentially, have a piece of metal on your work table with some aluminum foil underneath, and use your heating of choice on it (heat gun, torch, breathing hard, whatever) for a bit to get it warmer than room temperature, then place your mixing cup ontop.
I figure it might be safer this way than say just blasting your cup with heat, especially if it’s plastic. It also would heat it from below, not above. Since I imagine holding the cup with your hands to heat from below could be dangerous.
Anyway, opinions?
(Note, I suggest aluminum foil underneath as it cannot absorb heat very well. Thus whatever heat the metal absorbs will be transposed onto your cup and its contents more than if you used a towel. If you want extra safety, maybe an oven mitt under the foil.)