Epoxying a Cribbage Board

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    • #84184

      Resin Obsessed,

      I have made a large cribbage board that I want to epoxy the middle. Though the middle area has 3 columns of 10 1/8″ peg holes that I do not want epoxy to go into. What is the best way to block the epoxy from going into those holes. I have skewers that fit well into the holes, but I assume the epoxy would cure around the skewers and I would not be able to effectively remove them. I thought about applying Vaseline around the end of skewer that would go into the peg holes or wrap the end with packaging tape. But, I wanted to see what you thought would be the best idea before attempting something that is irreversible. Thank you. I would add a picture if it was an option.

    • #84193
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Josh,

      This article will give you some ideas: https://resinobsession.com/resin-resin-resin/surfaces-resin-wont-stick-to/

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