I’ve been searching through the forums, but I haven’t found the exact answer. I am making mini-jello molds with “foods” made out of fimo clay embedded in them. I know I need to let the first layer cure a little while, but is there a rough time frame for when the gel phase of the Deep pour slow cure clear epoxy resin occurs? Or should I be using a different type of epoxy? The molds are an inch deep and I do it in 2 pours. Thanks for any advice!
I am doing my first river table which at its deepest is 3.5″. I plan to use the deep pour resin which I understand is up to 2″ but not sure how long I should wait between 1st and 2nd pour. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Norma, unfortunately, I don’t have a specific time window to share as to when the previous layer might be in the gel phase. It depends on how much resin you pour at once, how quickly it builds up heat, etc. I wish I could pin it down for you.