New to this but big project HELP … pretty please :)

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    • #91026

      Hello Everyone,
      i am kinda new in that Resin world and am working on a project that will be a bit bigger then the normal paper weight or something like that.
      I have done some things with Resin already but am at my limits here.
      I want to pour a 16x10x11 cm block to enclose a diorama. as per the calculator i would need 1800ml. (rounded).
      It seems like the 3/4 Deep Pour Resin should be enough…. however…
      It says you can cast 2 inches at once, 11cm are a bit more then 4 inches, do i need to pour 2 layers or what would be the best way to cast the resin?
      I also got a lot of pourus and fragile stuff in the diorama… should i coat it first with like a clear coat spray or can i just go?
      Thank you for your help.


    • #91031
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Sascha,

      I’m glad to read you are thinking through this. Awesome!

      Yes, the deep pour resin should only be poured in layers of two inches or less. If you pour the next layer when the previous layer is in the gel phase, you will minimize the line between layers. This article explains resin gel time: Depending on how much resin you mix and pour at once, and because it cures slowly, I would expect the deep pour resin to have a 24 to 48 hour gel time.

      If any of your items will take up water, then yes, you will want to seal them first. A couple of light layers of this spray works great:

    • #91040

      thank you so much for that info.
      I have checked on the gel time stuff and saw that there is a consideration of temperature.
      I have enclosed the diorama with acrylic glass (sheets) to hold the form.
      Can this be an issue when applying the second layer, not only because of the temperature but also cause of pressure?
      This is the second try on this, my experience have been mixed with the first one.
      The first layer worked fine but the second the resin did not mix well i guess and never cured correct.
      Therefore i try to be as cautious as possible and wanna do it right… sorry for all the questions.
      I am also a bit afraid of bubbles. Since i enclose a diorama and have to work in layers i can not use a torch to pop the bubbles on top.
      Is there any other way?
      (cant wait for Friday until my order arrives from you guys to give it a swirl)

      Thank you again


      • #91053
        Katherine Swift

        Hi Sascha,

        If you have used a thick enough acrylic sheet and glued it securely, I wouldn’t expect a second layer of resin to cause a problem. I don’t have any first-hand experience with this, so I’m afraid I don’t have any numbers or guidelines to share on acrylic sheet thickness and the pressure it can take. If anything I worry about heat buildup that may happen with the second layer of resin. You should have a way of elevating the box should you find the resin becomes quite hot. You can then run a fan to blow cool air underneath the box to help dissipate heat. This article explains more:

        Warming the resin kit in a hot water bath before mixing will help reduce the number of bubbles. You can also let the resin sit for several minutes before pouring to let the bubbles rise to the surface before pouring. This article gives more tips on how to eliminate bubbles:

        I love reading your excitement about trying your resin. I can’t wait to see what you make!

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