How to Dispose of Resin: 5 Things You Must Know

how to dispose of resin
New Year’s cleaning and organizing includes your resin supplies too. Chances are you’re going to find something you don’t need anymore. (Besides that Blockbuster membership card.) So you might be asking, ‘How do you dispose of resin?’  Can you throw resin away in the trash?

Not ever.
No siree.
Not in any event.
And certainly not for love or money.

Resin kits need proper handling like other chemicals in your home.

1.  NEVER pour chemicals down your drain or toilet.

You may cause damage to your pipes or stop up your system. Don’t run them through the dishwasher, either.

You’ll ruin your dishwasher and your marriage. 😬

Plus, these chemicals can be marine pollutants.

waste collection center

2.  If you have liquid resin or hardener you no longer want, take them to your local waste collection center.

These centers (in the U.S.) also collect paint, batteries, electronics, etc. They’ll know how to dispose of resin to keep the environment safe.

How should you package your resin bottles before taking them to a waste collection center?

Keep the labels on the containers.  Then, put them in a package that allows waste collection personnel to handle the items safely. In other words, don’t hand them a bottle with sticky resin on the outside. Put your bottles in a plastic bag first.

💡 Pro tip: You can review your products’ safety data sheet (SDS) information. There will be recommendations and cautions on how you dispose of resin. And if your epoxy resin doesn’t have an SDS, you shouldn’t be using it anyway. Here’s why:  10 questions you should ask before buying resin.

3.  If you have empty resin containers, cap them tightly before throwing them in the trash.

Once you use all the contents of a resin kit, switch the bottle caps. This will cure them shut. Or, if you have a small amount of resin and hardener in each, you can pour one bottle into the other, then allow it to cure. Once it’s hard, throw it away with your household trash.

💡 Pro tip: Switching bottle cap lids seals your bottles shut, whether they’re empty or not. Meaning — I’ve talked to more than one resin artist who’s accidentally sealed their kit bottles shut by switching the lids. D’oh.

throwing away into trash

4.  Once your resin is completely dry, you can throw it away in your trash.

Yes, you can dispose of your resin mistakes in the trash once they’re fully dry.  (and practice your three-pointer shooting skills)

💡 Pro tip: Otherwise, if you’re a resin nerd like me, here are some ideas on what to do with your resin mistakes.

5.  If you are working with mixed resin and don’t need it all, let it cure before throwing it into the trash.

💡 Pro tip: If you hate wasting resin (who doesn’t?), have some other projects ready. Here are some of my favorite leftover resin projects.

Stuck for epoxy resin ideas?

Then you’ll love my latest ebook, Ten Creative Epoxy Crafts. It’s just what you need when you want creative resin projects. Buy the PDF book now and get a download link in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

Like this post? You may be interested in  How to Remove Resin From Almost Anything

39 thoughts on “How to Dispose of Resin: 5 Things You Must Know

  1. Are you able to recycle finished resin products? I have a few mistake pieces, but I wold hate throwing them away. I like to recycle as much as possible, but I cant find any information on it.

    1. Yes! You can incorporate them into new resin projects. Unfortunately, there is no way to remelt the resin to reuse it.

      1. Check Local Disposal Regulations
        Before disposing of resin or hardener, check your local waste management guidelines. Resin disposal rules vary depending on your location, as some areas treat resin as hazardous waste.

  2. Fantastic Article!! I agree with your blog; I got here more valuable information about How to dispose of resin. Thanks for this info.

  3. I am wondering if there is a known recycle code for resins in general (or a product specific one…) as in, is it a #7 which means that recycling centres in Australia cannot recycle it in their usual way and won’t accept it…? Thanks 🙂

    1. Are you talking about the containers or the resin itself? Even if I get the containers empty, I don’t try to recycle them.

  4. Great post Katherine! It’s so important to understand to correct means of disposal. And I love your idea about reversing the lids on empty bottles…brilliant !! Nothing makes me happier than a resin artist that is both knowledgeable and responsible. You are at the top of the list ♥

    1. Thanks so much Jane. I do wish all resin artists would take disposal methods seriously. We only get one Mother Earth!

  5. I’m an idiot and have poured quarter litre resin with hardener down my kitchen sink. Don’t know if it’s right but I added half bottle detergent then a kettle of hot water. HELP!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Kerry, unfortunately, you have likely damaged your plumbing by doing this. You need to call a plumber next. 🙁

      1. After I was done pouring resin and my daughter took the mixing cups and washed them in the sink. I scraped out as the resin but there was a little left over. By the time I realized what she was doing it was too late and she was done. Nothing was poured down the drain. She just washed the cups and it had a little resin left in there . What can I do? Will it mess up my sink?

  6. Hi! I’ve used all my resin, but I have leftover hardener. How do I dispose the hardener? I’ve looked everywhere to find the answer but couldn’t find any.
    Thank you in advance!

    1. Whenever you have leftover components, you need to take them to a hazardous materials collection center.

  7. Hi ketherine,which resin should I use for casting purpose.I want to use in acrylic plastic bangles carving surface up to 1/8″ deep with hard curing in 2 hours. What will b the perfect ratio of resin and hardner for curing in that time.please give exact no. Or grade according to my requirements.
    Thanking you and regards.

  8. My resin never cured in the mold. Is it a waste? Can I scoop it out and maybe add more hardener? Mix it better? Something?

  9. New to resin art and made sure to get no VOCs etc and mixed a very small amount (about 1/2 cup). I’m letting the resin cure in the bottom of a small wood box but have leftovers and paper towel with some on it. I threw the paper towel in the trash (just drips got on the paper towel), and have about half left in the plastic mixing container. Should I just let that cure and then throw it all away (container too)? Also how safe should I be fumes-wise with mixing very small amounts like that? I did it in my kitchen and have the box curing in the kitchen.

    1. Hi Jay, I’m glad to hear you are taking resin safety seriously! Once the resin is cured, you can safely throw it away in your household trash. In general, mixing small amounts of resin in your home should not produce a large amount of fumes. The best way to know about this though is to review the resin Safety Data Sheet (SDS) which gives specific recommendations on ventilation requirements.

  10. How is it good for Mother Earth to create resin items that will eventually be discarded in landfill (“regular trash”), along with mistake items, mixing utensils, and unused resin products? It seems so creative I’d love to try making things with it but can’t see how I would justify adding more plastic to the millions of plastic things already being thrown away. It needs to be recyclable!

    1. Hi Barbara, I can’t disagree with you. We can all be more thoughtful about we use and reuse in our lives, not just resin.

  11. I have resin in a container and it has been sitting here for 2 weeks and it isn’t hardening. I don’t know what to do. there is a possibility it is just one Part and not the other seeing as I cured myself of my hardener on accident. I need to get rid of it but all of this is saying the things I can’t do until it hardens but not what to do if it doesn’t harden. any advice would be helpful.

    also, is there containers I can get to pour my hardener and resin into (separately) that is safe all around?

    honestly any and all advice is welcomed. I’m still learning and making many mistakes lol.

    also, one more thing.

    I have silicone work mats and sometimes I am dripping resin and or hardener onto the mat while measuring everything out and therefore it is not mixed together and never dries so when I wipe down what I think is a cured mat I’m wiping these dribbles. was I doing something wrong there?

  12. Hello!! I already take out the resin from the container bcs i notice its start burning. Now what should i do with the resin? As for right now, i put it on top of newspaper. Help!!

    1. Hi Tini, you’ll need to let it finish curing, then dispose of it. Take it somewhere it can’t start a fire.

  13. Hello, Thank you for this life saver article. I was trying to remove the resign for the last four days and I finally land to your page. Thank you so much 🙂

  14. I need some advice. I have a half gallon of Wise Bond Epoxy Resin and a half gallon of their Hardener, that I have opened. How would you suggest I dispose it them or give them to someone else?

  15. I need some advice. I have a half gallon of Wise Bond Epoxy Resin and a half gallon of their Hardener, that have not been opened. How would you suggest I dispose of them or give them to someone else? FREE

  16. Hi Katherine

    I have previously purchased items I’m fairly sure are resin of some kind. Specifically my C3PO statue from our Australian store Bunnings, it’s kinda like Home Depot.

    Recently I tripped over a box and it stabbed me and broke into too many pieces to repair.

    How should I recycle it??

    I can send a photo if you like

    Also I have 2 rather heavy resin gargoyles that were cast in pieces then attached together. One of the wings, which is a single piece, has come unstuck. And is now a separate piece. I’d like to glue it back together but having tried “liquid nails” and various glue everything glues I now need to get that out of the cavity and find something that will work.

    Any suggestions about either issue would be much appreciated.



    1. Hi Jenny, I’m not familiar with Australian regulations, but in the U.S. you can throw cured resin into the trash.

      As for your other challenge, if you’d like to post about it in our resin forum and include a link to a picture, I’ll see what I can come up with.

  17. Thank you for the valuable information in this post. It has provided me with new insights and has been instrumental in helping me solve a problem. I appreciate your efforts!

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